Chapter 15

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The next morning, Oliver woke up to Caitlin approaching his bedside. She placed a Styrofoam box on his lap tray. "What's in there?" 

"Breakfast" Caitlin said. "Eggs, bacon, and toast". 

"That sounds-" 

"Don't get to excited, it's hospital quality" Caitlin said.

"Oh" Oliver said. 

"Anyway, I got the result from the DNA. Cecil Adams" Caitlin said

"The Count... I fought The Count". 

"According to the DNA, yes, you did" Caitlin said

"How is that even possible?" Oliver thought out loud to himself.

But he knew exactly how it was possible. 

"Caitlin, I need to go" Oliver said. 

"I don't think that is the best idea, Oliver. You've got healing to do"  Caitlin discouraged. 

"Yeah, I know" Oliver said, but he left anyway. 

Oliver arrived in the Arrowcave, so he  could briefly talk with Diggle and Felicity, but he didn't expect to see Roy there as well. "Roy. Hey" Oliver said. 

"Yeah, hey" Roy grunted. "Nobody thought to call me and tell me what happened". 

"You were with my sister" Oliver said. 

"And?" Roy asked.

"We just- we didn't think of it... sorry" Diggle said. 

"So I looked at locations all across the city could be our thief's next target, I found two" Felicity shared. 

"Okay" Oliver said. "I suppose I'll stake out one, Roy I guess you'll take the other one".

"Are you sure?" Roy asked. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" Oliver asked. 

"I mean... I don't know... we haven't finished training"

"It's just a stake out, if you see anything. you let me know and I will come take care of it" Oliver said. 

"Oliver-" Felicity interjected. "You have healing to do before you can take care of anything". 

"Being injured never stopped me before" Oliver exclaimed.

Oliver and Diggle took the van to keep eyes on the Starling City ARGUS headquarters. Oliver was  supplied with a brand new compound bow. "So uh you have a history with ARGUS. We haven't really talked about that" Oliver said.

"Not much to tell" Diggle said. "My ex-wife holds a pretty high rank at ARGUS. She was recruited out of the military". Oliver nodded. "You? I know you also have a relationship with the organization"

Oliver sighed. "Yes. I um- i've worked with uh-I've worked for ARGUS" 

"When?" Diggle asked. 

"I got involved with ARGUS my third year--missing" Oliver said. 

A moment of silence passed, Diggle lightly tapping his thumb on the steering wheel. 

Roy had driven to the other location that Felicity had come up with. "This had to be some sort of mistake", Roy thought. 

Roy parked  his car outside the now abandoned campaign office of Sebastian Blood. Why would Felicity have directed him here. Roy got out of the car and sat on the hood. He knew that was an awful stake out strategy, but there was telling him he needed answers.

 Laurel entered the Cortex of STAR Labs where she saw many employees, most of whom she had never seen before, rushing around the facility. "What is going on?" Laurel asked as she approached Dr. Wells and Cisco. 

"Well, in a few hours, I am going to hold a press conference to announce that the particle accelerator is ready for activation" Dr. Wells said proudly. 

"It wasn't supposed to be this soon, but we have Dr. Wells' genius to thank" Cisco gushed.

"Congratulations, Dr. Wells" Laurel said, knowing how much this project meant to the scientist. "Have either of you seen Oliver". 

"Mr. Queen checked himself out this morning" Dr. Wells said. 

"What? Why? Is he okay?" Laurel asked. 

"If it were up to Caitlin, he would still be recovering here" Cisco said. 

It had been too easy for Roy to gain entry to the office, he had practically strolled right through the door. His guard was extremely high. He knew Oliver would roast him for not following his order, but Roy couldn't help his curiosity, especially after he recalled his friend Max's body had been found relatively close to here, with blood leaking out of his eyes. Roy pulled out a drawer, quickly shuffling through folders, finding one labeled, "Mirakuru". Roy opened the folder and felt sick to his stomach. The folder contained a bunch of photos of bodies, one them was Max, and the other bodies were in the same condition. He took the pictures of Max and a picture he believed was Xavier Reed and shoved them in his pocket. He snapped a photo of the folder itself and then he put it back. 

Roy heard a strange noise from outside and cautiously walked stepped out into hallway. A hulking figure stood in there in the dark hallway, a few feet away from Roy. Roy did his best to look intimidating. "He have failed the city" he declared in a deep voice. 

The figure charged at Roy fast, landing a punch that felt like he had crashed head-first into cement. His world went black. 

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