Chapter 3

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John Diggle and Felicity Smoak  touched ground on the shore of Lian Yu, the hellish island Oliver Queen had called home for 5 years, Felicity threw up in the water.

Three moths had passed since  Oliver returned to Lian Yu. He had only told the Diggle the truth about where he was going.  Eventually, John realized that Oliver was not going to come home on his own, so he knocked on Felicity's door in the middle of the night. Now, the two friends were on terrain off the coast of Northern China, mid-day. "Hey, thank you for holding my hair back" Felicity said, sarcastically. 

"Come on "John said as he Felicity ventured towards the rather jungle-like part of giant island. 

"Oliver. It's us" Felicity called out. John beckoned Felicity to follow him deeper through the tall grass. She heard a click from beneath her right foot. "John, what was that?" she panicked. 

John knelt down, moving the grass aside. "Felicity, you stepped on a land -mine. Don't move" 

"FELICITY! DON'T MOVE!" Felicity kept her foot on the land-mine, but twisted her upper body to see Oliver . 

Oliver was on a high tree branch. He grabbed onto a nearby and swung down toward Felicity as John jumped out of the path. Oliver's body collided with Felicity's, and the impact carried her as safe distance away from the exploding landmine that had been beneath her foot. She landed on her back with Oliver's body on top of hers, their faces only inches from one another's. "You're-- really sweaty" Felicity whimpered as she caught her breath.

Oliver rolled off of his friend and stood up, brushing of his pants. "You shouldn't have come here"  Oliver said, his tone serious and brooding. He began to walk away. 

"Hey" Felicity said, as she got up and followed him. "Oliver, we came a long way... I jumped out of a plane. The least you can do is offer some water, or a coconut". 

 Oliver, John, and Felicity all entered a broken down plane that Oliver was using as shelter. "Sure" Oliver said, grabbing a canteen of water. "Here. Drink". 

"Thank you" Felicity said.

"C'mon man" Diggle said.  "What are you doing? It's time for you to come home".

"No" Oliver said, shaking his head. ""I failed my home, my father. I don't deserve my city anymore," Oliver said.

"The city needs you more than ever" Felicity countered. 

"Why? What good can I possibly do for them. My crusade is over" Oliver argued. 

"Then don't come home for the crusade" Felicity said. "Do it for us, your mother, your sister... your son" 

Oliver smiled slightly. "How is he?...Laurel?" "How are they?"

John took a deep breath and reported: "Well, your mother is awaiting trial for her participation in The Undertaking. Your sister has taken over management of Verdant. Roy is still obsessed with, you know the other guy-"

"And trying to emulate his crusade" Felicity interjected.

"Thank you, Felicity," John said. "Laurel found a new job working at the DA's office" Oliver's heart throbbed as he thought of Laurel. "William's okay" Diggle said. "He'd be better off with his dad around though".

"Laurel would be better off with you around, too" Felicity added.

"I'm not so sure about that" Oliver said.

"I am, you know before you left, you got Laurel pregnant" Felicity said.

Oliver facial expression changed. "I got her pregnant?" he said. He looked between his two friends who faces indicated that they were serious. "Is- is she okay?" Oliver asked.

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