Chapter 2

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"I loved Tommy Merlyn. I loved him in every way you can love another person". A tear rolled down from Laurel's eye as she eulogized Tommy. "He was a hero, and he saved me. There are so many things that I never got to tell Tommy. So many I grew to admire about him and he is gone way to soon. The best thing about Tommy was that everyone he knew, he just wanted to make them happy, he wanted to make sure they were having a good day. Make them laugh, make them smile, give the  a sincere compliment and make sure they believed it was true. One of the reasons I fell in love with him. I didn't expect to fall in love with Tommy. When I did, I had felt numb for so, so long and Tommy made me feel again. It was his gift. His gift I was lucky that he chose to share with me. I was so, so lucky". 

After the funeral, all of the attendees went about their typical daily business that they would tend to on any other day. Thea ran about with Roy (who was grieving the loss of close friends), Laurel's father was busy holding up operations at the SCPD, and Laurel went home. William was staying with a friend of Laurel's that night. 

Laurel took a shower and changed into a pink sweater and some jeans. 

She heard a quiet few knocks on her door. "Ollie," said answering the door.

"Hi, Laurel," Oliver said.


"You a- you looked really upset at the funeral today... I thought I would come over. See if you needed a hug, or a drink" Oliver said. 

"You can come in" Laurel invited. 

"Why is it so dark in here?" Oliver asked. 

"I don't know, I can start a fire" Laurel offered. 

"No, you don't a thing" Oliver said as he pushed the couch out the way. 

"What are you doing, Ollie?" Laurel asked. 

"Setting us up for a quiet night in" Oliver said. 

"You're staying with me tonight?" Laurel asked. 

"I would really like too if that's okay" Oliver said.

"I don't want to be alone" Laurel admitted

The fire the two of them sat in front of was warm, but not as the feeling of being wrapped up in Oliver's arms. Laurel laid her head comfortably on Oliver's shoulder. "Whatcha thinking about?" Oliver asked.

"Honestly, just us" Laurel said.

"You think there is a future for us?" Oliver asked. 

"Would it be wrong of me to hope there is" Laurel said

"No" Oliver said, shaking his head. He kissed her. "I regret how I have handled things with you-- and with Tommy. I should have been honest and told you how I felt about you. I know that I have never been good at that. I love you, Laurel". 

Laurel kissed Oliver. They kissed again and again. They made love by the fire and then once again in Laurel's bedroom.

The morning came and Laurel found herself waking up alone in her bed. She ran her hand over Oliver side of the bed. Laurel thought that he had probably gone home. She would see him later when she dropped William off with him. Maybe they could discuss going on a second first date, if last night didn't count anyway. 

Laurel got ready for the day and she picked up phone to make arrangements to pick William up. She saw a note posted on front door. She pace her phone and  removed the note holding it in her hand as she read it: "Laurel, I'm writing you this note because I did not have the strength to say goodbye to you in person. I am so sorry to leave you and William behind. I love the both of you with all of my heart. This is not your fault. I will always, always love the both of you, but I can't stay in this city. Please, never doubt my love for you, Laurel." She tried to control herself as her chest began to heave and sobs escaped her mouth. Her hold on the piece of paper was lost and it floated to the floor. 

A week later, Laurel walked into Verdant. "Hey" Thea said. 

"Hey. Speedy you have sure been spending a lot of time here" Laurel said. 

"Yeah, that because this place is my club now" Thea said. 

"Really? Can- can you actually declare Verdant as yours?" Laurel asked. 

"Who is going to stop me? My brother, the owner, who abandoned his business and ran away to Europe..." Thea mocked. 

"Europe?" Laurel asked. 

"Yeah, he left me a voicemail" Thea said. 

"You would think he would've left me one to, I'm only the mother of his children" Laurel said. 

"I'm sorry, Laurel. Sometimes, Oliver is an idiot, especially when it comes to you... wait, children?" 

Laurel nodded her head. "oh my god" Thea let out. Not sure if she should squeal with excitement, hug Laurel, or call Oliver and chew him out. "Oh My God!"

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