011, let us in

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(𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍) let us in❝won't you draw a map for me, laced with strawberries❞

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(𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍) let us in
❝won't you draw a map for
me, laced with strawberries❞


jc, corey, happy, and olivia were all out for a lunch day. the boys knew how both girls' families were nowhere nearby and they made it their responsibility to check up on them every couple of weeks despite their busy schedules. this week more than ever as olivia had a tough time dealing with hate.

the four were seated in a high-end restaurant in west hollywood, a luxury restaurant only jc caylen would book.

the four had already ordered and gotten their food, light conversion filled the air. the golden-haired girl knew it was coming, the inevitable talk, her friends were going to ask about the hate and she would have to lie about it and say it didn't matter. but they would know, they always knew that it did matter, it mattered way too much what other people thought of her.

"i know it's coming, you guys are going to ask about the hate. so i'm telling you it doesn't matter this time, i promise," the new york native claimed in a voice laced with deceit.

"you're bothered by it this time, we all know you are. but this time we'll give you space. open up to us when you want to but for right now we're here to have fun and enjoy the beautiful day," her australian friend advised.

"and spend jc's money!" happy exclaimed taking a sip of her margarita.

"so no talk about how it doesn't matter what haters say and i shouldn't let it get to me?" the blonde asked in confusion.

"no talk today, also we are not spending all my money today," the noodle-haired boy advised.

"can we talk about happy then?" olivia asked.

"of course we can," jc replied grinning.

corey started to dig into his salad he asked the girl in front of him, "haps, what's going with you and franny?"

"nothing is going on with me and franny" the brunette told them, not wanting to let them in either.

"oh cmon blue we all know that bullshit tell us what's going with you guys, everyone can see how heartbroken you seem these past couple of days," the former O2L member suggested as he dabbed his mouth with a napkin.

"haps let us in," liv added right before she took a bite of the grilled cheese in-front of her.

"fuck it, i'll tell you guys. i thought things were going good but i guess franny didn't think that way. i've been crushing on her for the past two years and she still sees me as a friend. i still don't know her sexuality so i might even be making her uncomfortable but it's alright i'm fine, i have liv with me," the girl spilled out her thoughts to her friends. after keeping in for so long it was nice to let it out.

"happy, we all know you guys have a spark, it undeniable. franny may just be trying to understand her sexuality and herself. i promise you, you couldn't make her uncomfortable," the blonde told her best friend.

"plus you're the powerful happy blue if she's making you think this hard it's obvious she's important to you, keep her around, liv will always be here," the australian

"blue, for once i agree with corey, keep her around," jc told her. ever since jc met the two girls he had called them by their last names, there wasn't a specific reason for it except he liked calling them something different.

"so i told you guys what's wrong can we go for a drive now," the retired musically star requested. driving had always been a stress reliever for her, even though she never learned being in the car somehow calmed her nerves.

"let's go".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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