007, random number

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(𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍)  random number ❝i like to fuck with you just to make up with you❞

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(𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍) random number
❝i like to fuck with you
just to make up with you❞

NOVEMBER 5th 2019

crawford had always thought about how lucky he was. after the fallout with his ex, emily tosta, he was unsure if his friends would stay by him, considering they were emily's friends first. not that they was any bad blood between the two, it was just a little awkward.

fortunately, the friend group became stronger than ever and crawford had found a best friend. corey la barrie, his honorary brother for life and channel partner. no matter how much the two bickered both of them meant way too much to each other.

but again, they did fight. here crawford was waiting outside the so called "knj" house at 2 pm with nothing but a playboy shirt and some black jeans.. accidentally watching top gear for too long, he was two hours late for filming.

knowing corey, he would probably make him wait outside in the november cold for a good ten minutes before letting him in.

the canadian was lucky that day, lucky that bobby mares had opened the door for him. crawford walked in, the warmth of the house rushing through him.  waiting for the lecture from corey.

"OH, look who decided to show up," corey exclaimed from his spot on the couch. closing tik tok on his phone and putting it away in the back pocket of his jeans. standing up from the couch and making his way over to crawford.

"okay listen i know how bad this looks, but i have a very reasonable excuse," crawford replied with a laugh.

"uh huh what's that?" corey answered back as he started to set up the cameras near the couch.

"so basically, i had this really important thing to do, and you know how things go soo i had to be late," crawford explained while his hands fluffed his hair.

"whatever, just sit down," corey retorted laughing as he sat down on the couch and fixing his own hair.


"WHAT IT BOO BABY," crawford yelled at the camera in front of the two.

" WE HIGH OFF THE CCS," corey yelled with him. "oh wait you can't say that anymore," corey told the boy next to him.

"wait why," crawford asked confused.

"cause it's not halloween season anymore, duh'" corey exclaimed.

"so, crawford doesn't know what we are doing today, but, i'm tired of crawford getting all the girls.  so, we both will text random numbers, they won't know how we are and we won't know who they're and we'll see who can get a date," corey explained to crawford and the camera.

"bro you're going to win, if you haven't seen corey flirt, he's gotta serious game." crawford told the camera.

"wait hold up i'm gonna use the bathroom," the young canadian added as he jumped up from the couch.

quickly as crawford left,  corey opened messages on crawford's unlocked phone.  typing in olivia's number into a new message and then put it back in it's original spot.

"OKAYY i'm back" crawford called as he hopped on the couch.

"okay so i picked a random number and you pick mine" corey announced to crawford.

"i picked the same area code, your welcome" corey added as he fist bumped crawford

"okay so what do we say?" crawford asked, fingers waiting to type.

"hold on, say this, aside from being sexy as fuck, what do you do for a living?" corey announced.

"bro, that's the cheesiest thing ever, but whatever fuck it," the brunette argued, yet typing the cheesy pick up line and hitting send.

hi umm i wanna talk about a couple things

1.CREZZA is a thing, they're so adorable and i'm not gonna make nezza like evil in this book cause i love her but i'm thinking of a crezza book next, what do you think?

2.. thank you so much for 1k omg that's crazy especially in one month

3. fuck tayler holder

𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐃, crawford collinsWhere stories live. Discover now