003, bad ass bitch

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( 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 ) bad ass bitch❝ drive highways and byways to be there with you ❞

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( 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 ) bad ass bitch
❝ drive highways and byways
to be there with you ❞

OCTOBER 31 2019

olivia jade flynn was in a hurry to find an outfit before six pm. even with her childish personality and love to party, her style had always been classy.  growing up in new york and being a daughter of a ceo, she had grown up dressing nice.  other than that she was very different than her family.

her father had died when she was a child and her mother, evelyn flynn had controlled the family's company ever since.

her older brothers oliver and owen both stood 6'2 and their brains were just as big. they had no problem taking over the family company in a couple years. olivia on the other hand needed a job where she could express herself.  which how she ended up with a youtube career.

her family had been supportive, which made her so happy.
she lived her life in la yet made sure to visit them whenever she could.

running around her west hollywood apartment, throwing clothes around trying to find the perfect one, chelsey called and said she couldn't wear one of her disney onesies to the halloween party. in chelsey's words, she had to look like a "bad ass bitch"

jumping over furniture, treating the pieces like parkour, giggling to herself when she made it correctly. avoiding jumping over her chipotle wrappers that her post mates driver just delivered 30 minutes ago, to reach her front door where shopping bags laid.

olivia had a shopping adventure yesterday and was eager to  use her new clothes.  picking out a satin black dress that cut off mid thigh, small straps and a neckline right at her collarbone.

the new york girl rushed to her closet changing out of her navy oversized 'heart break weather' hoodie and gray sweatpants into the new dress.

walking out of the closet to give herself a quick glance in the mirror. olivia straightened her medium blonde hair, and applying 'natural makeup' taking an hour and half to so.

the young girl gave herself one more glance, and exited the door to walk over to her best friend's next door apartment.

even though olivia was one year younger than happy, happy was her best friend since grade school. when olivia became famous on youtube, happy blew up on musically. the two had always been there for each other. happy when olivia decided to move to la and olivia when happy came out as pan sexual.

olivia knocked on door to let happy know that she was there and then walked right in though the unlocked door. the youtube star couldn't help but laugh when she saw her best friend stuck on her couch covered in blankets while she watched hannah montana, the show the two loved to talk about all the time.

"HAPS!" olivia yelled through her hands shaped like a megaphone, hoping the older girl would realizes she was there.

"w-wha?" happy questioned in a tired voice looking up from her blanket cave.

"get up, come on we got get to jason's party" olivia referred to their close friend as she became prying the blankets off the old musically star.

"i'm up, i'm up," happy repeated, trying to convince both olivia and herself.  getting up from her now destroyed for of blankets and pausing hannah montana on the flat screen in front of her.

olivia pushed the happy into her closet and seated herself on the other girls couch, knowing happy could put an outfit together in no time.

a couple minutes passed and the older girl came out with a
red romper with brown buttons and a collar. her dark haired natural curls flowed down to her elbow. happy was never much of a makeup fan, she was just to lazy to learn all the tricks that took hours, so she went natural.

both girls got in olivia's jeep to make the 10 minute drive to jc caylen's house. another thing happy was to lazy to do was learn to drive, plus who needed it when she had a best friend who could be her personal chauffeur.

lol hi
umm olivia is a little based on me but i hope you like her
also, next chapter you get into the real stuff, meaning olivia and crawford meet

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