005, stranger

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(𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄)  stranger ❝i'd walk through fire for you just let me adore you❞

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(𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄) stranger
❝i'd walk through fire for
you just let me adore you❞


olivia woke up bare, looking around she noticed it was her australian friends room. quickly glancing to her right noticing the boy next to her.

crawford collins, that's what he introduced himself as, hopefully that was right.

gathering her clothes quickly, she got dressed hoping no one was awake at eight am. lucky for her a bunch of boys were passed on the couch, guessing they were part of the big group of friends.

making her way outside, her jeep was there a couple blocks away, happy had most likely gone him with ann marie or lera.

getting into her car and driving away to her own apartment 10 minutes away.

the boy she had slept with made her want to turn back but, she had a video to edit and stuff it get done.

crawford had woken up four hours later, naked in his best friend corey's bed?

crawford quickly put on his clothes and patting his ass to see if had sex with corey.

the young canadian boy was much relived to see it didn't hurt and he most likely brought a girl in corey's room. but he felt something else in his pocket.

pulling out a wrinkled polaroid out of his pocket, smart he thought to himself, to bad you could barley see the girls face clearly.

crawford felt drawn to her though. he had to find her.

exiting corey's room he wound up in the living room in the midst of all his friends.

"CRAWFORD!" crawford's australian best friend yelled at him when he saw him exit his room.

"what stranger did you bring in MY room last night?" corey asked emphasizing the my.

"i brought a girl over," the younger boy mumbled.

"okay, but corey before you get mad, i really like her,"
crawford said pointing to corey like what he was saying was making sense.

"from having sex with her? what did you like about her crawford, her ability to suck dick?" corey questioned, he couldn't help but to chuckle.

their two friends on the couch william hadaddin and oscar guerra couldn't help it either, both erupting in laughs.

"shut up, look this is her," crawford said while pointing at the crinkled polaroid.

the picture clicked in everyone else's brain, this morning chelsey he told all the guys who she was, but the guys had to act like they didn't know. if crawford really wanted her friend he would have to put the work in.

"cmon man, that's some random girl you barely know" oscar pointed out while taking a bite of his bagel.

wyl and corey couldn't help shake their heads, the point was for crawford to fight for the girl not having oscar discourage him. but, that's what you get if you want oscar to help.

crawford sat down beside him talking a bagel from the dunkin' donuts bag and looked at the polaroid again.

"yeah i guess you right" he replied while putting the polaroid back in his pocket and taking a bite of his bagel. not noticing the other boys glares.

sorry for not updating for a while, i had a bunch of school work but um here you go 😃👍

𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐃, crawford collinsWhere stories live. Discover now