009, truth or shot

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(𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄)  truth or shot❝middle finger to my thumb  then i snap it, just like magic❞

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(𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄)  truth or shot
❝middle finger to my thumb
then i snap it, just like magic❞


social media was a tricky job, you never know when you might get cancelled by stan twitter. yet, there was a certain rush to it that you couldn't get anywhere else. the love from millions was enough for olivia to keep doing it.

now five years into the business, she had over four million subscribers which she loved dearly. the average person might not know her and her videos don't hit trending, but she was content with her small family on youtube.

now, she was setting up the camera for this weeks video with happy.

"hey guys, welcome or welcome back to my channel. today me and happy will be playing.... truth or shot!" the blonde shouted with jazz hands. "if you don't know how to play, i'm right here. so basically we have five questions written by chelsey, over there" olivia added as she pointed to her petite friend. "we have to answer the question but if we don't want to say the question out loud we have to take the shot"

"livvy i don't know about this," happy questions looking at the tequila shots.

"come on haps this was your idea," olivia added as she puts the questions under the cups.

"bitch, i didn't suggest to do it when i was hungover," the brunette clapped back. "you know what, i'm good i'm down, i'll even go first," happy stated tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and grabbing the first question.

"woo!" chelsey cheered from her spot on the side as the blonde infront of the camera paced back in forth with worry for her own questions.

'worst youtube collab?' the question in front of the ex-musically star read. happy knew she despised this youtuber and wasn't afraid to say so. "gabbie hanna," happy exclaimed, "and the question was worst youtube collab,"

"peridot queen, you tell em," chelsey recited from the side.

"MONSTAHH" olivia sang as she picked up her question. 'body count?'  "chels, oh my god," the youtuber and exclaimed as she read over the question once again. "45," she muttered as she gulped down the tequila shot in front of her.

"wait, 45, hold up i thought it was 44?" chelsey questioned.

"we are talking about this later," happy said with a pointed finger

"yeah, yeah, we can talk about that later," olivia brushed off.

the video has ended and olivia was now being interrogated by her two best friends.

"soo, who was it?" chelsey asked, knowing it was crawford.

"okay, so his name was crawford collins, i met him at jason's party and he was, what's the word, intoxicating. but before chelsey gets her hopes up, i don't even know if that's his real name and he introduced himself as crawfart at first so i don't think he remembers any of it," the blonde explained.

"oh my goodness, crawfart?" happy asked. "liv this guy is an idiot."

"it's fine, buuut this guy texted me, this random number, and it's been a lot of fun texting them," olivia told her two friends.

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