004, party night

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(𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑)  party night❝we took a polaroid you signed your name upon it❞

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(𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑) party night
❝we took a polaroid you
signed your name upon it❞

OCTOBER 31 2019

the two best friends had got to the party that they could hear from a couple of blocks away, it was only 10 but everyone already looked turnt.

happy made her way over to the drinks while olivia had started to walk towards the couple that was hosting the whole thing.

giving both of them hugs, she took jc's unopened white claw and took it for herself.

olivia had met chelsey when she first moved to la about four years ago, beside the age difference the two were close.

when chelsey started dating jc, jc and olivia formed a sibling like bond.  jc had always been protective of olivia as his younger siblings were all the way in texas, olivia helped the sting of missing his family since she was like his new little sister.

she had met corey too, the two's energy's matched really well and became close friends hanging out every now and then.

olivia excused herself from the conversation when a certain dj had caught her eye. the young boy was very drunk yet he was still able to dj.

his smile is what brought olivia to him, walking over she took a sip of the white claw she stole from jc.

crawford had stopped controlling the music and let the playlist play by itself noticing the beautiful girl walking over his way.

"hey i'm olivia," olivia told him holding out her hand to shake.

"hey i'm crawfart," crawford responded, then realizing his mistake he wanted to slap himself.

"i mean wartford," he quickly replied, confidence laced in his tone.

"i mean um crawford, crawford collins" he said, finally getting his own name correctly.

olivia couldn't help but laugh, usually she would've been on her way but something told her to stay. the idiot boy was intoxicating.

"you don't need my name to be in my bed though, eh?" crawford told her his canadian accent evident, shooting a wink in her direction. streching out his hand for her to take. completely forgetting the event before with his confidence back.

"i guess i don't huh?" she replied taking his outstretched hand.

" but don't you have to dj?" olivia asked noticing the guests were getting a little tired from the same music.

"eh they'll live" he answered, wrapping his arm around her waist, knowing he wouldn't remember this.

he grabbed bobby's polaroid that was next to him and told her to "smile!" he cheesed catching her of guard. taking the picture and putting the undeveloped photo in his pocket.

crawford led olivia to corey's room. hoping corey wouldn't mind. olivia let out a laugh knowing it was corey's room and the boy would have his two cents the next morning.

crawford locked the door and captured olivia's lips with his
pulling her closer till they were as close as possible.

olivia was upset she couldn't take any shots earlier but a hot guy on top of her made up for it.

the two fell onto the bed fighting for dominance.

um chile anyways

𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐃, crawford collinsWhere stories live. Discover now