Chapter 1

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Kaede's POV:

"Wow, there sure a bunch of Ultimates here huh Shuichi", I spoke as I turned to the detective beside me. "Yeah.... I wonder why though", Shuichi replied putting his hand to his chin, looking around in thought.

So much has happened in the last minutes. I woke up in a locker, I got abducted by bears, met other ultimates like myself!

Unfortunately, we all don't remember how any of us got here. But that's not going to stop me from finding a way back! Shuichi and I continued to search around the building until I spotted a weird big looking door.

"Ah! Shuichi, look that must be the exit! Maybe we can get out of here!", I cheered as I walked to the doors.

"W-Wait, I don't think we should open doors carelessly. It could be a trap...", Shuichi cautiously spoke as we heard a sudden voice behind us.

"Worrying about that isn't necessary. I have already examined the doors". "Oh! Korekiyo, it's just you. I didn't notice you there", I awkwardly laughed as I turned to see the taller slender male behind us.

"K-Korekiyo.... you went through these doors already?", Shuichi asked as Korekiyo nodded. "Yes I went out before most of the others but you should find the answers to your questions on your own", Korekiyo responded as Shuichi and I turned to each other and then at the door.

"Well.... he did say it was safe so let's go", I spoke as I brought out my confidence and opened the door with Shuichi by my side... Little did we know what was outside waiting for us on the other side of that door.

We stepped outside the doors to see a towering cage hung above and around us. No matter where we looked, the caged surrounded us.

"A-A cage.... a wall?" "Wh-What is this... We're trapped?!" Both Shuichi and I stared in shock as we looked at the cage around us.

It wasn't long until the five colorful bears appear in front of us and started explaining the huge cage in front of us. Through all the explaining on how it was impossible to get out, I didn't care. I took a deep breathe and start yelling from the top of my lungs.

"Help!!! Is Anyone there!! Help, someone get us out! We're trapped in this cage!!!!" I yelled and yelled but nothing changed.

I huffed out of breathe as the Monokubs continued to have their own side conversation. "We told you, no one can hear you and you'll never be able to go over that wall." "Well our job here is done. So long bear well!"

We watched helplessly as the Monokubs disappeared without a trace, leaving us staring despairingly at the cage wall.

Is what they say really true.... I shook my head violently as I harshly slapped both off my cheeks. "No, we are going to escape. It doesn't matter what those bears think because they're wrong! We're gonna escape all together, right Shuichi", I exclaimed as Shuichi slowly turned to me and nodded with a smile on his face.

"Yeah you're right." "Okay! Let's continue searching this place for clues!", I cheered as I looked around the area.

As I was looking around, I saw a weird bunny figure wearing an all black hoodie and chained bottoms sitting next to one of the pillars at the entrance hall. (You basically look like the person on the cover. You can wear whatever you want for the bottoms but try not to make it too colorful)

"Woah what's that... how come we haven't noticed hat before?", I questioned poking Shuichi as I walked towards the figure.


I watched silently as a blonde haired girl and dark blue hair emo boy walked by me into the open field.

Mhmmmm? Two of them? Interesting, this is the first time I saw people traveling in packs of two. Doesn't seem like their any different though. Just like the others who have passed me, they too failed to notice my presence.

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