Chapter 2

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".....Miss Y/n....." "..." "Uhhhh..... Miss Y/n?.... Miss Y/—" "If you're going to directly talk to me, get to the point. I shouldn't have to command you to tell me important information."

"Ah right! I'm sor—" "Stop apologizing as if I hold any responsibility for what you say and just get to the point."

"I-I'm sorry maa'am! It's just that it's less than 5 more minutes until due time and the Boss wants to know if all the preparations are due...." "....." "Miss Y/n?" "You're a real pain y'know that...." "Wh-What am I doing wrong ma'am?"

"Miss Y/n this, Miss Y/n that. I hate you. I wish my old assistant didn't go off and die. I want to fire you. But that would mean I would have to go through all those applicants again and I hate talking", I growled as I turned on the T.V.

"*static noises* This just in, riots are exploding all around the west part of central. Social media seems to be mirroring the effect of what's happening outside. FBI and several police departments are currently trying to calm down civilians and solv—*ringgggg rinnggggg*"

That must be my cue. I turn off the T.V. and answer my phone. "..." "It's good. You're job is done. We'll get the recruits and you'll be transferred to the other branch..... That's all." After that quick talk, I ended the call and turned to the assistant in front of me.

"I won't kill you.... but that doesn't mean I won't make your life miserable. I read your file, I know who you are. You know nothing about me other than my title so let me tell you something about myself. I hate people. I hate interaction. And most of all, I hate my life. Clear?" "Y-Yes ma-am..." "Good.... let's go. It's time to do our next assignment."


I woke up to loud yelling. "Goooooood morning Himiko!!!!!" "Nyeh mornings are a pain." Gurl you're telling me. Oh... I just realized that I slept outside.

It's morning now so the others our probably going to go to this area to get breakfast. I guess I'll just wait until everyone's in the dining hall and move somewhere else.

"Look Himiko, the statue's back!" Ah yes that's me, the statue. "And it has a sign too? I don't remember that being there." I have a what now? I looked downward to see a sign attached on my hoodie. What the hell is this?

"... 'do not touch - Monokuma'.... Hmmm I wonder why Monokuma doesn't want us touching this statue..." Yeah I wonder too!

"Probably because Monokuma got mad after I moved it with my magic yesterday...." No this statue moves on it's own. I guess this statue's also magic now. "I see, you're so amazing Himiko!!" Can they leave me alone?

"Good morning!!" Who is it now.... "Ah good morning Kaede! Degenerates don't deserve good mornings", Tenko glared as Shuichi awkwardly chuckled.

"Good morning Tenko.... oh the statues back. And it has a weird sign?" First thing in the morning and they're calling my sign weird?! Have you not seen a sign on a statue before? "Yes, I didn't know degenerates could see." Get him Tenko!!

"It's best to do what the sign says", Kaede spoke as Tenko and Himiko turned to her in confusion. "Hmmmm? Why is that Akamatsu-San?"

As Tenko asked that question Kaede showed her hand that I bit and awkwardly laughed. "I guess it bites?"

"Wh-What?!! You got that from the statue!? No way... I bet one of those lying degenerate manipulated you, didn't they!", Tenko exclaimed as Kaede frantically waved her hands.

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