Chapter 7

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(I updated the introduction so if you're uncomfortable with any of the following, don't read. This might be over dramatic but this is just to be safe. Enjoy the chapter!)


I never had a mother figure...

What are women? What's their purpose?

When my grandfather was alive, I asked him what's the point of women? In a raspy tone I still remembered how he answered.

Word for word he said, "Women are like a lighter. It can either be useful or useless, but a lighter is still a lighter. And it's only a lighter, nothing else." Women can be useful or useless, but a woman is still a woman. And it's only a woman, nothing else.

I didn't exactly understand what he meant but that wasn't really anything new since he was high 24/7. He wasn't exactly mentally there either.

I'm surprised he didn't die at a young age and I think he's surprised too. But I was still confused so I went to the next person.

I went to my father. "Father, what's the point of women?" He'd turn to me with a scowl but that too was normal.

He was a busy man and usually in meetings. I thought for sure he'd get mad at me but he didn't and answered my question.

"There is no point of women, only to reproduce. Women are not needed. Only fools stick around with them."

"I don't understand... then why does Grandfather always have them around?", I asked as the man gave a harsh tsk.

"Your grandfather is a drug addict who's only focus is sex, drugs, and living to get high. Women to him are just objects, they serve no purpose to me. Now leave."

Pushing me out, I left the room. Women are objects? Women have no purpose? Everyone is telling me different things but no one is explaining anything.

Then there was my brother. I asked him as well. It's vague but I think I can still remember how he'd describe women.


I think my brother loved women but he didn't love all women. Sometimes I'd think he'd be obsessed with them but it would usually be the other way around.

Women loved my brother and he loved them. One time he even dressed up as one. Women loved my brother.... So why didn't they love him when he turned into a woman? Do women... hate other women? What are women?

These were the types of questions I had when I was young. And to this day... I wish I had a mother figure to teach me what a woman is.

I wish I met my mother before she died so I could ask what's the point of being a woman. Maybe if she didn't run away, father wouldn't have had to....

*RINNNNNGGGG* I spring out of my bed to hear a loud ringing coming from beside me. I sprung up and looked beside me to see... an alarm clock?

Shit... that scared me. Why is that here? I bet that little weirdo put this here. Whatever, now how do I turn it off?

I looked at the alarm clock from multiple angles but I couldn't find the off button. Getting annoyed by the continuous ringing, I tiredly grabbed the alarm clock and gently put it on the ground before harshly stomping on it repeatedly.

After I was done expressing my anger onto the clock which was now just a bunch of glass, bolts, and metal, I looked at the spot where I picked the alarm clock to see a notebook and pen.

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