Had Enough

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Steve walks down into the dining hall where Neos, Molly, and Jack all sit ready to eat

Steve: Man, as usual, the prime rib looks delicious! Thank you Chef Lauronitis.

Lauronitis: The pleasure is all mine, Master Steven.

Neos: Yeah, well it took ya long enough to get here, I'm starving half to death!

Molly: Patience, Neos. You must remind yourself not everything must happen as soon as you want it to.

Neos: Yeah, you're right, Steve will always be slow as a snail.

Steve: Hey! At least I'm not constantly trying to act big and bad around girls all the time. "Excuse me madam, but have you seen my sword anywhere? Oh, goodness gracious, I forgot my horse!" Man you'll never know when enough is enough sometimes.

Neos: Hey, it works!.... sometimes.

Steve: Mhm, whatever helps you sleep at night bro.

Jack: Boys, boys, please, that's enough. Let's please just enjoy our meal.

Both: Yes, Dad.

Jack: That's my boys. So Neos, Steve, how are your archery lessons coming along?

Neos: They're going good Dad, I'm just a little inconsistent still is all.

Steve: What?! Neos you're really consistent! I'm sure you couldn't hit water in an ocean in a hundred arrows!

Neos: You little... at least I know how to make a bow!

Steve: What good is being able to make one if ya can't shoot it worth a crap?!

Molly: Boys, boys, settle down. Settle down. You're both outstanding in your own ways.

Jack: Your mother speaks the truth. You two both hold your key traits that make you both plenty worthy to do anything your hearts so choose. Neos, you've grown to be one who constantly seeks more knowledge and improvement and never loses sight of the task at hand. Steven, a cunning man with raw talent for what seems like anything, you just lose sight of what matters most at times; like when you sneak out and ignore your studies, but that'll be ok, you'll change.

Steve: Wait a minute.. you apologized for getting onto me about that stuff. I thought we came to an understanding on that stuff.

Jack: Steve, after rethinking, I've realized that it doesn't matter, you still need to stop going out and doing whatever you wish and focus on your responsibilities.

Steve: (Jumps up out of his seat) Are you kidding me?!

Molly: Steve, calm down..

Steve: Mom, please... not now..

Neos: Steve, bro c'mon, just chill out for a minute.

Steve: Really? You're telling me to take it easy too? After that talk we had at the gates this morning, I thought you finally were on my side here!

Neos: Steve, I'm not on anyone's side! I just want you to calm down.

Steve: Why should I? So this asshole can win again? Nah, I'll pass on that one.

Jack: What did you call me Steven Briggs?!

Steve: Well ol' Daddio, judging by the fact that you heard me, it seems as though I don't have to repeat myself! On second thought though, maybe you do deserve it again, ASSHOLE!

Jack: You watch your mouth Steven, do you hear me?! You are my son, and I am your father. You do not lash out at me!

Steve: Oh, I don't? Since when should I give a shit about your feelings when you never even take the time to worry about mine?!

Jack: (Gets out of his seat and walks face to face with Steve) I said. Watch. Your. Tone.

Steve: Go. To. Hell!

Jack: (Slaps Steve) You do NOT say that to me Steven! I am still your father, and I am still the person whose roof you live under! Do you hear me?!

Steve: Yeah... loud and clear...

Steve begins to walk but then turns around and pushes Jack over the table

Molly: Steve! Why would you do that?!

Steve: What I... I didn't mean to.. I... (Runs off up to his room)

Molly: No Steve, wait!

Jack: Let him go... that... was my fault.. not his..

Neos without another word runs up the stairway after Steve. Meanwhile, Steve is already up in his room taking his anger out on his wall punching and kicking nonstop

Steve: Who does he think he is telling me how I can and can't live my life? Better yet, who does he think he is to demand that I acknowledge his feelings when he never even acknowledges the fact that I have any to acknowledge?

Neos: (Knocks on door)

Steve: (Stops punching and kicking the wall) What is it...

Neos: Steve, it's me, Neos. Can I come in for just a second?

Steve: Heh... I guess so..

Neos: (Walks in, closing the door behind him) Look, Steve, what happened at dinner...

Steve: What... you think I'm a piece of shit or something I assume...

Neos: What, no! That's not it at all! I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not agreeing with you and instead just trying to get you to calm down. You had every right to be mad. You're my little brother, and I should've stood by you...

Steve: ...It's ok... I forgive you.

Neos: Wait, what? Really?

Steve: Yeah, man. It's all good. You're still my big brother all the same. Nothing can ever change that.

Neos: Thanks, Steve. I love you brother. (Hugs Steve)

Steve: (Hugs back) I love you too, bro. (Releases from the hug) Well, man I'm gonna hit the hay. I'll see ya tomorrow, alright?

Neos: Alright man. I'll see ya tomorrow, night bro.

Steve: Goodnight.

Neos exits the room and Steve sits down on his bed and begins thinking to himself

Steve: I've had enough of Dad acting like he decides how my life plays out... Tonight... there's no going back.. I'm not staying here anymore... I'm leaving... tonight...

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