Words Are Poisonous

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Steve begins putting every book where he originally found it when "Neos" walked in.

Neos: Well, hello there Steven. How have you been?

Steve: What the hell do you mean? We literally talked to each other a few hours ago. What're you even doing down here anyway?

Neos: Good question. I honestly just got bored, so I figured I'd do some wandering. You have a nice place, I must say. It's really big too. It must take a lot of maids to keep this place semi clean.

Steve: Look, whatever you are, what the hell do you want from me? Really, what?

Neos: Well that's just rude. How dare you accuse me of wanting something from you just because I'm talking to you?

Steve: Oh, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the last time you said a word to me was just you telling me to keep quiet about you killing my mother. Is that not a good enough reason to believe that?

Neos: Fair point, fair point. The deal worked out for you though in a way.

Steve: How did it work out for me exactly? You killed my mother!

Neos: Yeah, and knowing that you knew I did, I could've just killed you and ensure that no one would say anything, but I kept you alive as an act to show that I am not an uncooperative person. I'm open to negotiating just as much as anyone else when it benefits me. In all seriousness though, I genuinely just was curious as to what you were getting up to and wanted to say there's no point in searching for the knowledge you're so desperately looking for.

Steve: How do you know what "knowledge" I'm looking for?

Neos: Oh, Steven, Steven, Steven... I'm not stupid, ya know? You know just as well as I do that upon realizing what had happened to your brother, you'd want to do anything and everything to find out all that you could. Am I not correct in saying that?

Steve: I.. yes...

Neos: Exactly. That is why I just wanted to at the very least help you out in saying that if knowledge is what you seek, then good luck finding it because anyone that did know anything about me probably isn't around anymore to tell the tale.

Steve: Really, why's that? Did you kill their mother and possess their brother too?

Neos: Oh, quit with the pouting you ungrateful child!

Steve: Ungrateful?! You took my mom and brother away from me!

Neos: Yet, I spared your life knowing that you could've easily ratted me out.

Upon hearing those words, Steve freezes again almost as if he has nothing to rebuttal.

Neos: At a loss for words again, huh? Yeah, I can understand why. You've had a really rough past couple of hours. Believe it or not Steve, I really didn't intend for any of this to go down the way it has.

Steve: I...

Neos: It's ok. It's probably best for both of us that you don't respond. Words can be very poisonous after all. You wouldn't want your words to be the poison that puts your father at risk, would you?

After a short pause, Steve just stands there in place not moving a muscle; so much so that it's almost as if he's trying to avoid even breathing.

Neos: I didn't think you did. You're a good kid, Steve. I'll give you that much, but that's about all I'll give you.

"Neos" exits the room with Steve still motionless for about ten minutes afterwards. Steve eventually exits the library and returns to his bedroom where he lays down on the bed and begins to contemplate all that's happened and all that is happening.

Steve: I can't tell Dad. No matter what, I can't tell Dad. He said that he'd kill him if I breathed a word.. but that face that Dad gave me when I brought up wanting to know more about it... there has to be something he knows that he's not telling me.. I need to figure out what it is.. even if it doesn't help I have to know... but if I say anything... Dad will be- no I can't think about that. Dad would want to know. He would want to help stop this, and I need his help if I want any chance at doing so. I'm going... I'm going to go tell Dad..

Steve then rushes out of his room not even looking behind him to make sure the door shut. As he's heading to his Dad's room though, he begins hearing his echos of what he was told just an hour ago. "Words can be very poisonous after all. You wouldn't want your words to be the poison that puts your father at risk, would you?" Steve begins slowing down the trip to his father's room as he begins to hear the same statement over and over in his head like the same song on repeat. He eventually manages to shake the thoughts out of his head just long enough to keep himself believing that telling his Dad is the right thing to do. Once he reaches his Dad's room, he barges through the door where he is greeted by the sight of his father looking out the window of his room.

Steve: Dad? Are you ok?

Jack: Oh, yeah. I'm ok Steve. I've just been looking outside a lot. Honestly, you spend so much time in this castle that you forget just how beautiful the outside world is. It truly is a work of art.. In fact, it's almost as if the world is just one giant campus and nature is the paint covering it all. Wouldn't you agree?

Steve: Yeah.. yeah, it really is nice out there. Listen, Dad, there's something I need to tell you that I should've told you ages ago but I-

Jack: Don't worry, Steve. I already know...

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