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Once the light stops engulfing the room, the room is revealed to contain the sight of Neos' body laying on the ground with tiny black, mist like particles slowly rising up off of his body. Steve runs over to Neos' body kneeling down next to it with Jack standing behind him.

Steve: Hey there buddy... we did it... you're free now... c'mon Neos, wake up man..... no... no no no... Neos, please... you can't give up on me man... you're my brother... please, Neos... I need you! I need uou damnit, so wake up! Come on, you lazy ass, wake the hell up! Please...

Steve begins to break down into tears just as he did the first time this happened. Jack then kneels down and embraces Steve in an attempt to comfort his son.

Steve: He... he really is gone.. He's gone Dad... it's all my fault... all of this... it all happened because of me...

Jack: It's ok, Steve... It's like you said.. He's free now...

Jack and Steve both sit there for a few more minutes with Jack holding a broken Steve in his arms.

*One Week Later*

Steve and Jack as well as the rest of the kingdom held a funeral for both Molly and Neos in the center of the kingdom. Steve and Jack both appeared in black three piece suits with both men having a speech of their own each prepared for the funeral. Jack would begin by coming up and giving a few words.

Jack: Molly Briggs... Wife to Jack Briggs and mother of Neos and Steven Briggs... Neos Briggs... Son of Jack and Molly Briggs and older brother to Steven Briggs... Molly and Neos will live in all of our hearts for multiple reasons... Molly would never shy away from helping those in need whether it be helping to finish a job or just giving a good pat on the back as well as some kind words in an attempt to brighten someone's day... she made me the happiest man alive and was the best mother that my two sons could've ever had... Then.. you have Neos... a young man who had his mind set on anything he wanted to do... no matter what stood in his way... he always put his goals first above all else... or at least... above all but one thing.. and that one thing was his family... he would've done anything to protect those he loved and cared about, but there's one person that he cared for more than anything else in this world and that person is sitting right behind me and that is his younger brother, Steve... Neos cared for Steve in a way that I don't think anyone else ever could've. It's one thing to be the best of brothers, but it's a completely different thing to be the best of friends... and that's what... that's Steve and Neos were.. they had a bond... a bond that no one in this world can ever replicate... a bond that even with one gone will last until the end of time itself..... I.. I now would like to turn things over to my younger son, Steven Briggs...

Jack returned to his seat while Steve made his way to the podium that rested in front of every Terra citizen. Steve hesitated for a minute until finally speaking.

Steve: Some people say that there are some things that are best left forgotten. There's people that say there are some things not even worth remembering or even thinking about for that matter, and to those people I ask... If you choose to forget something, then how do you keep it from happening again? The answer is you don't. Once something is forgotten by everyone, then nothing's stopping it from happening again because there's no way of knowing what happened the first time. I made the mistake of forgetting about punishments. Forgetting about conflict. And most of all... forgetting that my actions have consequences... those consequences cost me my family... my mother.. and my older brother.. two people that I never thought about being without.. two people I thought I would never be without are gone because of my mistakes... and that's something that I will always remember regardless of how many days I live through past this one... and I thought it was torture that I would be stuck with these memories until I stopped and really thought about it and realized that maybe by keeping all of these memories with me... maybe I can help to ensure it doesn't happen to others... I realized that no matter what... it's important to remember everything you do, both right and wrong... because it can help you either way... Neos and Molly Briggs... those are the names of the two people I have lost from my mistakes... but for that... I will be fighting day by day in hopes that I can give them both a son and brother to be proud of in the future... Neos.. Mom.. wherever you guys are out there... just know one thing... I will always remember you guys... and I will always love you both... that is all...

The crowd clapped for Steve's speech which would be followed by carrying Neos and Molly's caskets to Terra's graveyard where they would rest once and for all. Steve and Jack both gave their last and final goodbyes before finally leaving giving permission for the burial process to begin.

*Later that night at about 9:30 P.M.*

Jack walks up to the doorway of Steve's room and knocks on the door.

Steve: Come in!

Jack then enters the room closing the door behind him slowly.

Jack: Hey Steve.

Steve: Hey, Dad. What's up?

Jack: I just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing after today.

Steve: Honestly... I'm not entirely sad.. I'm sad that they're gone, but I'm also relieved to know that they can rest easy now knowing that it'll never happen to anyone else ever again...

Jack: That is a good way to look at it... I never thought of it that way... I just wanted to say that.. I'm super proud of you.. Every single day, I'm reminded of just how amazing of a young man you are and how perfect of a son I have... Don't think I never notice that about you... no matter what... you will always be my son, and I will always protect you... I love you Steve...

Steve sits up on his bed motionless for a moment but suddenly jumps up and gives his Dad a hug. Jack is shocked at the fact that Steve actually hugged him for once and immediately hugs back.

Steve: I love you too Dad...

After a small embrace, the two release each other.

Jack: Well.. you should probably get some sleep... It's been a long past few days for both of us...

Steve: Yeah, you're right.. Goodnight Dad.

Jack: Goodnight, Steve.

Jack exits the room closing the door behind him. He then returns to his room walking up to the window and begins looking outside of it with his eyes having no particular destination.

???: Man, you sure handled that well.

Jack: Look, if you're gonna talk to me, the least you could do is appear like a normal person rather than talking to me in my head...

???: Well, someone's in a foul mood. Fine. As you wish.

The voice in Jack's head materializes in front of him as the white eyed black mist that was previously released from the alter before.

Jack: So what do you want from me anyways? You gonna kill me?

???: What? Oh no no no. I would NEVER kill such a valuable individual to my plan, and as I said already, if you do as I say, I won't even think about killing your son either. I think that's a fair deal, don't you agree?

Jack: Yeah... yeah, it's a deal...

???: Good... I'm glad to see we're on the same side of things on this... it's as I said... help me achieve my goal and freedom for you and your boy is all yours... Now.. I think it's about time we set my plan in motion, wouldn't you agree?

Jack: Yes... Herobrine...
The Haunted

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