Before The Nortious

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Pathetic accuse for a son. A disgrace of the family name. A loser. A nobody.

These words have been rooted inside of me. I need to cut the pumping venom out of me. I need the release that my dagger brings me.

Pathetic accuse for a son. A disgrace of the family name. A loser. A nobody.

Cut after cut, I dig into my dirty skin. I don't deserve this life. I'm a good guy. I clean the house, I wash the dishes, I do all of my chores while Ma and Pa are out drinking. They don't care about me. They never did and they never will.

Pathetic accuse for a son. A disgrace of the family name. A loser. A nobody.

The door slams open and I quickly run to the sink to wipe my new friends free from suffocating blood. Drunk. Of course they're drunk. Pa stumbles on to the couch in the living room and Ma falls on top of him, kissing his every curve. I turn my head to give my parents so privacy.

I hear a scream and a loud moan escape my mother's lips. My eyes dart to the scene that plays in front of me. The roles have been switched. Pa's large hands grab my mother. A pull on her hair and a choke on her neck, she squeals with pleasure. My eyes furrow as Pa looks at me.

"This is want you want son. You need a little girl who will let you do anything to her," He laughs as he violently squeezes her.

I put my head down and try to consume the information that he has given me every night of my life. Aren't women supposed to have their own opinions and pleasures? Aren't we as men supposed to supply their every demand? This doesn't make any since.

"Now come here my boy," I follow his words, not wanting another beating. "Do you see the bliss in your mother's eyes? Can't you tell that she loves me controlling her? Don't you see that I can do anything to her and she will moan for me?"

I nod, still confused. He smirks and tells me to go to my room, which I do. I can't bare to see anymore of it. How can she feel pleasure from his violent action? Her echoing moans can be heard from anywhere in the house.

I cuddle into my bed and trace my new friends on my forearm. They are the only things that can keep me company. I comtemplate making more friends so I'll feel less lonely, but I know that I've already lost too much blood for one day.

All of a sudden her moans stop. All I hear are shouts from my father. He screams and yells. I better stay in here, there is no stopping him when he's mad.

Sleep was about to completely entrance my body when my door slams open and a puffy eyed man comes in. He's shaking and blood in covering his hands. My first instict is to get as far away from my father as I could.

"No, you were the one who did this!" He yells at me. He charges and slaps my face. I'm too weak to fight back. "You're the reason she lies dead! I hate you!"

The rest of the night was blurs of brutal hits. I woke up in my front yard, midday. Dried blood was covering my body. Only my pants remain on my body and I run to my house before anyone sees me. It was an insult to see a mere boy in only pants.

"Pa! Let me in!" I scream while banging on the door.

"Leave! You aren't welcome here anymore!" He bellows back.

Living in the middle of the forest with only two neighboring houses, can be a blessing or a curse. I can't think about that. My teary eyes found a small path leading deeper into the forest. WIthout thinking, my bare feet travel and meet the dirt road.

Just keep going Peter. You're used to being alone. This will lead to someone who is kind and caring. It has to.

"I just wish I wasn't alone," I cry as exhaustion took my body and I collapse into the leaf covered floor.

"Oh dear," a soft voice says. "What are you doing out here?"

The blue fairy. I've only heard about her in books. I never realized that she was real. She was beautiful though.

"My father threw me out of the house," I stutter.

"Hm, well that isn't nice. What's your name, dear?"

"I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

"Oh, I do know of your father. I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do about that. Is there anything you want, Peter?"

"I just want a place where I won't be alone, Blue Fairy. I want a home filled with other boys my age, with no ill willed adults," I confess.

"Now that, I can do. Are you sure you want that Peter? Once you wish something, you can't take it back."

"Well can I have some new clothes too?"

"Of course," she smiles and with a flick of her wand I am dressed in a combination of brown leather and green cloth. I smile and thank her.

"Are you ready to see your new home, Peter?" She asked.

"Yes, Blue Fairy."

With a flick of her wand and a sprinkle of her blue fairy dust, we take off into the air. The second star to the right.

By morning we land on warm beaches and a tropical forest. The air smells of sweet coconut.

"Welcome to Neverland, Peter Pan. I'll give you some fairy dust so you can go back and get some boys to live on this island with you, but only boys who are neglected from their parents like you were. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I understand," I told her and smiled and my new found home. My fingers brush against my friends on my forearm and I whince in rememberence.

The blue fairy sighed and flashed brown leather cuffs on each of my arms.

"This is the best I can do for you. You're past life is gone. This is your new beginning. The cuffs hold your magic. Be aware that there is an evil, dark spirit here that will tempt you to side with the dark magic, but don't give in."

"Yes, Blue Fairy," I assured her. She smiled and flashed herself off the island.

There I was again, alone. All alone. There is so much to explore on this mysterious island. I better find a place to set up camp. I closed my eyes and imagined a path to lead me to a clearing in the middle of the forest.

And there is was. A pebble lined trail appeared at the edge of the forest. Wasting no time, I raced to see the place that will be my new home.
Sup guys it's Panswendy! This is just something I'm working on for a new book! Tell me if you like it or not. Pan will darker and more dominant in this book! Just vote and comment a bunches!! Thanks lovelies

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