Help me

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"Goodbye lass " Hook spat as he threw you over board, your body colliding with the waves as you began to sink.
You curled into a ball clutching and tearing at your skin. A fire ignited in your veins but it was not from the lack of oxygen. You screamed out into the abyss, your cries being muffled by the water that enveloped you. The burning sensation took over you whole body, the pain it brought with it felt as though a thousand claws ripped at your skin, tearing away you and leaving behind a disastrous monster. You had desperately closed your eyes hoping somehow it would relieve some pain, but the pain only intensified. You felt it build, it started as an itch, something you had to scratch. But no matter what you did to ignore it, the sensation grew, the desires and need all acting as fuel to what was going on. Your body began to jerk, you limbs twitching under the water, your head rolled from side to side as a sinister laughed fell from your lips. Finally it consumed you, it grasped everything you were and replaced it. You pushed out your limbs as the final wave of pain terrorised you. You screamed again the waves carrying your voice. But it was no longer yours.

You stepped onto the sands on Neverland, your feet sinking the grains going in between your toes. You dripping hair fell in front of your face and your ripped soaking clothes weighed you down as you returned to Neverland.
You stand proudly and breath in. You could smell the dirt that made up the forest floor, the decaying leaves and wet soil from where the rain trickled over the plants and rocks into the earth.
You looked into the trees and saw everything clearly, all the colours were vibrant the detail was enhanced as you saw everything in all it's glory. you focused into the trees, looking past deep into the forest and saw camp with all the lost boys at . All busy with tasks Peter had given them, too preoccupied to notice Peter pacing, stressing inwardly. You listened closely, despite being on the edge of the island you could hear everything as though they were stood beside you. All your senses were heightened. Alert.
"Peter " you whispered, sending your voice through the trees directly to him, so only he could hear it. you watched as he turned frantically looking for where your voice came. He ran between the trees in your direction, his eyes darting around trying to land on you. You tried to make sense of everything that was happening, how you were able to see so clearly and hear every insignificant sound. Your vision blurred, and taking a few steps caused your stomach to turn, you felt as though a drum circle was going on in your head. You placed your hand against a nearby tree in an attempt to steady yourself. You felt bile rise up in your throat as it burned. You spat out the vile content only to see crimson.
"Peter" you whispered as the ground came to meet you. Your body feel beneath you, the dirt pushing against your skin and your clouded vision became dark.

let it consume you, let the power surge, give in Y/N, give in. No one can stand in your way, no one is as powerful, not even Peter. let go Y/N.

You finally stopped struggling, stopped fighting as it consumed you, you felt peaceful finally.

You awoke to see Peter looking down on you, his face flushed with relief when you looked at him.
"Y/N, thank god your okay ? " he had taken your hand it his and held it tightly. " your hands are really cold, let me get you something "
" I am fine " you spat, every small movement every pitch of Peters voice and the words he spoke angered you.
"Y/N what happened ? " Peter asked growing cautious of who laid in front of him. You sunk your head into your hands and sobbed, you couldn't explain any of it, your senses, why anger raged inside of you. you felt the sensation rise in you again. Turning to Peter the tears still falling you spoke. "Help me"
Peter gasped standing up from the chair he was sitting on.
"Y/N your. Your a demon" he said quietly.
"What ?!" You asked still unaware of everything that has happeneded.
Peter sat beside you wrapping him arm around you.
"Hey, don't cry. look at me, please just look at me "
You lifted your was away from your hands and looked over to Peter, he smiled then his eyes flashed black.
" I am a demon too, I understand what your going through, i understand how hard it is to keep it at bay, not to lash out. But I promise you Y/N you won't be alone, I'll be here for you."
You turned you eyes black as well, letting it consume you fully. you smiled at Peter. " thank you "
" Everyone says demons are the worst creatures imaginable but I promise you were not. Everyone sees they negative, no one thinks about all the advantages. Y/N you and I are immortal,we can experience things no one else can, we have amazing abilities and now that your a demon too we can do everything without having to be careful or hold back"
You started to accept what you had become, "why didn't you tell me you were a demon?" You asked
" Because I thought you would hate me" Peter replied sadly
" Y/N , what happened? You were gone for days and suddenly you show up and now your a demon. I was so worried I had lost boys searching night and day no one could find you"
" I remember going to the lagoon to talk to the mermaids, they all looked different, nervous but they all looked as though they regretted something. Then they pulled me under, there grip was strong and I couldn't break free. They took me to Hook. There I was bound and restricted, everyone aboard the ship was angry, loathsome. All of them hated me. Hook brought his hook to my cheek and cut across it, he then got all the pirates to do the same across my body. They were deep. I screamed so many times but they didn't stop.
I felt my blood trickle down my skin. after that they brought me into a cabin. Strapped me down on a table. Hook , he um took out a vile he said something about only needing one drop for it too work. He strangled me so that he could pour the linguist from the vile into my mouth. He used all of it. I began to shake, I couldn't stop , I was in agony and then hook threw me overboard."
You finished you story looking over at Peter you saw his fists and jaw clenched. " hook did this ?!" He asked, you only nodded in response.
" I'll kill him " Peter went to stand but you pulled him back. " think of the positives Peter " you tried to reason, you didn't want Peter to get hurt even if he was immortal.
Peter calmed himself before smirking.
" I don't have to be careful with you anymore "
" That's true " you smiled, thinking of you and Pan in the past and what it meant for the future.
" I love you Peter "
" I love you too Y/N "
You kissed eachother, now feeling more connected as you could both empathise with each other and understand each other better .

Hey, sorry this is really bad, before writing it I really like the idea and thought it could go a lot of different ways but a I was writing it I just started not to like it anymore. so sorry it's bad .

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