Untill we meet again

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Black had invaded the sky in a war light wouldn't win.
You were currently hiding away, you had managed to conceal yourself
using barrels and abandoned crates. You were shaking violently from fear, so far this was the only place they hadn't found you.
Your breath was rapid and uneven, every time you heard the thumb of boots against the wooden floor when they passed you held your breath, scared of the outcome. "we'll find you Y/N - there isn't anywhere you can hide on this ship " Their voice deep and slurred. They stumbled over objects scattered on the floor. Their drunken state only enhancing their anger.
"If you come out, I promise we won't hurt you" he laughed as he spoke clearly lying through his rotting teeth.
" Come on darling - we want to play"
His words made you shiver, the thought of them, playing .made your body lurch. A wave crashed against the boat causing it to shake the ship. Lamps hanging from the ceiling swayed frantically back and forth. The barrels concealing you tipped on there side and began to roll. You gasped, you now had no shield from the brutes that captured you. The man turned is head toward you, when his eyes met yours a sinister smile crept it's way onto his cracked lips. His yellow and blackened teeth showing. " found you "
Scrambling to your feet you tried to elude the intoxicated Pirate. His filthy arms reaching out for you. You hoped that his drinker state would inhibit him and slow his reactions but somehow he grasped at your collar yanking you back so that you faces him. He breathed on you, you could smell the heavy influence of rum reeking through his breath. You turned you head so that the stench wouldn't invade your nostrils. But the pirate gripped your cheeks with a hand forcing you to look at him.
" Captain wants you " his voice scratchy and hoarse. He began to drag you through the ship. Restricting you by tying a nearby rope around your wrists behind your back and pushing himself against you going you no ounce of space for yourself.
He pulled you through the door, your instincts wanting to cover your eyes but the restraints not allowing you too. As you stepped out onto the deck you saw the notorious Captain Hook watching you. His eyes followed every movement you made and every step you took.

"Hello Y/N " he said as he began to make his way to you.
You kept your gaze toward the floor only causing a chuckle to slip passed Hooks slips.
" You dear are very precious, dis you know that? It has been my understanding that the boy known as Pan - well my dear I do believe he has fallen in love with you " the crew erupted in laughter and the statement. Even Hook seemed in a state of bewilderment.
" Which means, he would be devastated if anything happened to you " his gaze had become dark and his jaw had clenched. " take her to the mast, tie her up" he commanded to the crew. servile members took ahold of you and forcefully pushed you against the mast where they tied a ripe around you making sure your hands were by your side and that you could not move.
" Now boys I promised you could have some fun with dear little Y/N and I am a man of my word. Go ahead- he will be here shortly"
The crew turned in your direction and began walking over to you. In only seconds they had surrounded you and began the assault. Fists flew and collided with your skin. Daggers were brought out and pushed into your skin. You let out a scream as they pushed further and further, deeper into your skin. A gushing amount of blood escaping. you felt servile blows to your head causing a ringing. You saw all the crew members move out the way as Hook approached his hook glowing red. your eyes darted from him back to the glow and a fear struck you. With his one hand he gripped your cheek and turned your head to the side. slowly bringing up the burning metal.
"Mine" Hook whispered before pressing the scorching hook against your cheek. You screamed out in agony as it burnt and blistered your skin.
"Stop, please " you whimpered.
" Let her go Hook " a voice sounded through everything.
" Pan, nice of you to join us, I must say Y/N is not what I expected " Hook teased.
"what have you done to her ?" Peter yelled, furious at Hook.
" See for yourself " he said gesturing h forward and moving to the side. He saw you, tied against the mast. Cloths ripped, blood running down your bruises skin and your head hanging low.
"Y/N " Peter cried. He began to run toward you when he was pulled back and thrown to the floor.
"Uh uh uh " Hook scuffed " I said see not touch .But I'll give you the details. She screamed. a lot . the poor girl crying out for you as they ripped her clothes, cut her skin but that's not all." Hook antagonised Peter watching the anger grow.
Peter swung for Hook but he dogged and grabbed his arm twisting it and pulling it behind his back. you opened your eyes slightly too see Hook battling Peter in hand to hand combat. Peter persisted in his fight but Hook retaliated throwing countless blows toward Peter causing him to stumble backward and fall to the floor. "peter" you whispered glad to see the boy you loved. Hook kicked Peter in the stomach and ribs repeatedly. Pan now looked as beaten as you.
" Give up " hook sneered
"Let her go " Pan argued
" Fine " Hook agreed "I'll let her go" He stows over to you cutting the rope that bound you. He grabbed you and pushed a knife at your neck. You locked eyes with Peter, he looked scared, you had never seen him that way. he was never frightened of anything he was Peter Pan.
" I said I would let her go. I didn't say I would let her live" Hook spat malice in his voice, and with that he dug the knife into your neck and dragged it across, pushing your body to the floor.
" NO " Peter cried rushing to you. he fell to the floor beside your body and held you, brushing the hair out of your face and kissing your forehead.
" Leave Pan " hook commanded. Solemnly Peter rose and flew away. He had failed.
Over the next couple of months Peter wasn't the same. you weren't there with your bubbly presents to cheer him up or make you smile. To comfort him and tell him it would be alright. no. you were gone and never coming back. Everyone had seen the change in him and everyone tried to help. but they couldn't they couldn't fill the void the happiness you brought.
One day no one had seen Peter and they began to worry. Felix searched all of Neverland but he couldn't be found. He then remembered the secret pathway that lead to the oak tree Peter had charmed so the inside was a home. the two of you planned to move there and start a family. Felix rushed there hoping to find Peter -and he did. He found him swinging from a branch with a necklace of rope tied around his neck. all that was left, a letter.

Dear lost Boys

I am sorry, I am sorry I left you so suddenly and like this. But please believe me when I say this is better for everyone. I could not be a good leader to you without Y/N. and without her I nothing, each breath is agony because I know she doesn't take them. Every day is misery because it's another one without her. I love each and everyone of you. Just know I am happy now, I am with Y/N and that's all I wanted. I couldn't save her and if I stayed i wouldn't have been able to protect you.
This will pass and you will forget but remember Neverland is a wonderful place filled with wonders and magic, see the beauty and good and it is home.
I leave Felix in charge, I know you will do a amazing job. Until we meet again.

Peter Pan xx

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