After Party part 2, the bulid up

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Hey, hope your all okay, i miss writing but its hard to find time amongst everything but no excuses. This is the second part out of a trilogy so hope you like it xx

It had been so long since you and Robbie had looked eachother in the eye, after the night of the party you two didnt speak. There was a solid unwavering silence between you. You both knew why, there was anger, it was infecting you both, spredding through your veins causing your blood to boil even at the the sight of each other.

Yes, you were angry but you were hurt as well. Robbie had only confirmed your thoughts after that night. Even so, you felt bad, Robbie wasnt - isnt, a bad guy and yet you called him a fuckboy, infront of everyone, no wonder he stopped talking to you.

Despite this you still tried to make things right, however, your version of making things right included ignoring what needed to be resolved and hoping that the other person would do to the same.

So in order to activate your very flawed plan you sent him a message. Hoping that maybe he missed you too and a simple, stupid mesage might reignite your friendship.

"Hey x"

.......... Nothing. There would always be nothing the messages between the two of you would remain blank.

You occassionally saw him around school but now you didnt feel anger toward him, you felt gulit. Maybe because it was the first 'mean' thing that you had done. You were proud of calling him out on being a fuckboy when it first happened but that proud feeling begun to diminish the more you thought about it.

However despite the inward termoil that had been created for you, Robbie seemed completely and utterly fine, besides being blunt with you he was the same mischieveous boy as before. You sighed to yourself, this wasnt the first time he had captivated your thoughts and annoyingly it also wasnt the last. You couldnt understand what it was that made you replay yout last conversation again, or the way he stared at you so coldly. It had been months and you were hoping for the smallest of changes. Nothing about him changed, however you did.  Fed up of being disregarded and manipulated by your own capturing thoughts, you stopped. No longer giving in to the glances across the room or thinking about before. Now was your own time, to do what ever the hell you want. So you did, you went to every party, danced and dressed the way you had been too afraid to. Too concerned with other peoples opinions, and maybe for the first time in your life actually enjoyed something specificly for yourself. Including working additional hours to pay for the school ski trip.

Occassionally Robbie would walk past, ignoring you as usual making you feel awful. Swallowing your pride you sent him one last message. "Hey. I know it was months ago but I am really sorry for calling you a fuckboy"

You looked down at your phone 15 minutes later to see a reply. " its okay :) ".

You felt relief, you had apologized, thats all that you could do, if Robbie wanted to maintain a gruge then that would be his choice.

Almost a year later you had saved up enough mone for the ski trip, your school even paid you to deliver a presentation of informatiom about what the ski trip will require and include to all the parents and students going.

Thats where you saw Robbie. Sitting amongst the crowd. He sat there chatting excitedly toward his friends - you took a deep breath. The presentation started and you delivered all the information, smiling at the audience looking above Robbie so that you werent distracted. After the talk you had to go to the stall in order to sell and promote ski equipment. The stall displayed thermals, mid layers; jackets, socks, hats; gloves and catalogue of other products to sell.

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