Untitled Part 90

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what are we all doing ?

living on assumptions hoping for better or even trying to achieve better, when in reality the cards we've been dealt are the ones we have to play with. Some people are given a full house when they deserve nothing but jokers and others are gifted with all the right cards but cursed as they don't know how to play them to benefit them.

But why is this relevant, because life sucks. There's no way to sugarcoat it unless you have the physical and mental strength to turn around and say 'this is enough' you're never going to escape mediocrity and that's what's scary. That out of seven billion people you won't make it into that one percent that everyone knows, or makes a difference because there will always be someone better, someone more talented, more qualified, prettier, smarter, just better, and with that in mind why do we try, because the human race has mastered deluding itself. That we can change that life will be better and that we are significant and not just an accumulation of atoms.

As he sat and read what she had written, he finally began to understand why she secluded herself away in her room. She wasn't dumb, she looked at the world as it was. Harsh, cold, selfish. and that was her downfall, she couldn't delude herself as easily as everyone else no matter how hard she tried. Often her imagination would run wild with different possibilities but regardless of what happiness awaited in them she was aware that brutal reality would bombard its way back and she would be on her own again. In the end, everyone leaves, regardless of how cliche it sounds, it is something you will ALWAYS be able to count on. Whether or not they leave on their own accord or as a victim of circumstance the solid truth is the only person you can depend on upon is yourself. You are the only one capable of pulling yourself out of depression, forcing your way to struggle through the swamp of recovery, the maze of confusion and whatever obstacles life throws at you.

so many people dream of death, treating it like its salvation when how could it be. It doesn't end pain it just passes it over to the other people who are in your life. they grieve, they cry - at the loss of you. If you believe in God and that heaven and hell exist then that is your belief but deluding yourself in thinking you're going to heaven because all your intentions were good or because you never committed a crime, doesn't mean you never committed a sin. Lying to other human beings as well as yourself, refusing to take a moment and see good. Unable to understand that if you look for the light you will find it, but if you look for dark that is all you see.

She was just as lost as the rest of them, seeking out change and yet being terrified all at the same time. Peter dropped the leather bound book, with wrinkled pages a slight yellow hue, slipping out of his fingertips and falling carelessly onto the floor. He arose from the bed, pacing quickly toward the door, energy held within his chest as he strode with a deliberate gait. His eyes shifting from left to right in search of her.

His feet falling against the soil of the woods then the sand from the beach as he made his way across Neverland, pushing against the branches that reached out. "Y/N" he called out. Peter stopped- waiting to hear a reply or even a slight noise that would give some indication of where you were. He could feel his heart drum against his ribcage as he began to run out of places where you could be. Peter understood he should stop worrying, stay calm so that his thoughts remained rational.

Peter lowered himself down toward the floor, he sat on the presipus of the wood and the beach, allowing him to feel both. He crossed his legs one over the other and placed his hands together in fists. Closing his eyes his breathing began to slow, once he had reached a state of peace, Peter placed his right hand on the ground, feeling the magic that flowed through Neverland. He focused his mind and used his abilities to use the roots to find Y/N . Opening his eyes and rising from the floor he began running. Back through the forest through the Indians camp to find Y/N sitting on the edge of Mermaid lagoon.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief seeing you, a small smile on his lips. His shoulders relaxing slightly. Peter stepped quietly toward you. He could feel the breeze cool his body, slowly stepping behind you, he wrapped his arms around your chest, forcing you to fall gently into him. You leant back welcoming his embrace, feeling secure in his arms around you and being able to recognise his intoxicating scent. Peter gently brushed your hair behind your ear, he then nuzzled into your shoulder whispering "I know the world can seem like a dark place, but that doesn't mean it won't ever change" As he spoke his grip around you got tighter. "I mean look at me, everyone thought I was corrupt- a demon, but you changed me and because of you, I can see the light and the good, and I find it all when I look at you" he spoke softly and truthfully. 

AU: i dont like the ending to this. Hey guys..... I am sorry i havent updated, for months. I do miss writing it just gets increasingly hard to find the time but i hope you continue to read and support us love always xxx

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