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Another long day and the vermen ridden high school of my home town. I slid my hood down from my head and let my fragile finger gilde through my hair. I placed my backpack into my locker and waited until the torture begin. Sure enough Murphy advanced towards my vunerable body.

Apparently talking to her boyfriend, who also happens to be my nieghbor, happens to be a crime. Its a one way ticket to her bitch list. My town is small, like 100 kids per grade small, so when you piss off the Queen Bee, everyone knows by the end of the day. I pulled my long sleeves down and wrap the ends in my hands.

"What the f.uck are you doing here? I thought I told you to kill yourself yesterday," She sneered. 

Like I didn't try.

"I-I-I," I stuttered.

"Shut up you pathetic little slut. You sound like a child. Just kill yourself and safe everyone else from looking at your ugly face ever again," She literally spat on me and slapped me across my face.

Tears were dripping from my eyes as I try to put up an emotionless wall that I've learned to perfect over time. She acts like I don't know my flaws. She acts like every time I look into a mirror or see my scars I don't see everything that I hate about myself. I see it. I see why she hates me. I see why she wants me dead.

All of the rumors that have been spread has expunged all of my friendships and prevented any more to matrialize. I am all alone in this world. My parents are fighting because of me, they are getting a divorce in about a month or so. Its all my fault. After my sister left, everything has gone downhill.

Murphy laughed at me and strolled off to her passive boyfriend who sent me a sympathic glaze, telling me that he saw it all. He saw it all, and yet he did nothing about it. Nothing but send a 'sympathic' gaze. Like that means anything to me. That was as effective as the eject button on the DVD remote. 

Murphy lip-locked with my neighbor and sent me a devious glare before heading to her next class. I grabbed my books for English class and lifted my hadn to my cheek, just to feel heated blood. Her pampered nails sliced my skin, leaving a nasty mark.

Checking the clock on my phone, I realized that I didn't have enough time to clean up my face before my next class. The halls were already almost cleared so I hurried to English and took my typical seat in the back of class, hiding my marked face with my hood.

Last minute I felt a presense by my side and I realized it was the one and only Robbie Kay. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, crossing my arms along the way.

"Hey, what's up with you, love?" He asked me. Robbie recently moved to the States from England, so he still used all the british lingo. "You don't seem like yourself today."

"I don't want to talk about it," I huffed and itched my forearm. My wounds from last night's battle with depression were just now healing.

"Did you have the chicken pox or something? You seem to be itching your arm quite a lot," He joked, flashing a darling smile. Since he is new, Robbie still doesn't know that everyone in this school hates me. He is still innocent to this corrupt town.

"Let it go, Robbie." I readjusted my posture and pulled out Crime and Punishment, the book that we were assigned to read over two weeks.

"I'm being serious. Something is up and I'm getting to the buttom of your sour mood. Consider me your personal assissent for the day. I am not leaving your side until I see your smile."

It wouldn't be that hard for him, we have all the same classes.

"You really don't have to do that."

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