Films and food

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This one if for lost_girl_forever_12. hope you like it . Sorry it took so long xx Also MASSIVE thank you for over 10 thousand reads , I am honestly amazed , you guys are the best. Xxx

You had just broken up with your boyfriend , you had met when you were the new girl at school . You only knew one other person who went to that school , your friend Robbie . Although you were friends you didn't get to see each other much inside of school as he was the year above but outside of school you would hang out together constantly . Robbie was the one you went to about everything no matter how big or small , you were happy to be involved in each others lives regardless . You could spend hours with each other , smiling and laughing .

Your boyfriend . Adam was kind sweet , the school athlete not massively popular but had a few friends . But because he participated in so many sports he was physically fit and strong . Only recently things had been different between the two of you . When ever you were at school he would just ignore you , you understood that people need their space so you let him for a while , but then it just got ridiculous . Weeks had passed and he was still ignoring you , you had tried speaking to him at school but he would just yell and push you away making you feel the size of a grain of sand . One night you were up in your room getting on with a school project when you heard a banging at your front door . Both your parents were at work so you had the house to yourself . You put down your pen and began your decent down your stairs to the front door . The banging increasing and getting louder . You opened it to find you boyfriend Adam , standing there eyes harsh and glaring . " hey- Adam " you said shyly . He pushed past you and grabbed your wrist dragging you upstairs . " ow Adam , you pleaded " let go your hurting me " his grip only tightened causing bruising . He swung his arm causing to go with him . He released his grip meaning that you fell to the floor scraping your arms in the process . you crawled back until your back hit the Corner of the wall . slowly you rose to standing watching Adams every move . Adam still never gave you a reason as to why he had been so distance lately , and now he was here being violent toward you.

" Adam " you spoke , your voice frail and quiet . " What's wrong ? " You asked , everything about his behaviour was wrong .

" You . you've completely ruined my life" Adams accusation confused you all you ever tried to do was be happy and kind towards him .

" You came into my life , and made me think that I loved you . you were always there Y/N, and suddenly you weren't . Do you know how that made me feel! " Adam was yelling at you whilst you stood there afraid . He made large gestures as he spoke . as instinct you flinched when he waved his arms in your direction . " Did you think I was going to hit you Y/N ? " Adam asked ,the words that came out of his mouth were not comforting his tone of voice made it seem more like he was accepting a challenge . He stepped closer , trapping you which your back against the wall . " Make me look like the bad guy ! " he spoke harshly next to your ear . His warm breath against your neck made you feel uneasy and intimidated . " Adam , I never tried to do-" " SHUT UP." You were interrupted by Adam as he threw your chair across your room . His breathing was heavy as he ran his fingers through his hair over and over pulling at it so it was in all different directions . " Adam - please leave " you uttered quietly . "what ?! " He turned to look at you .

" Please leave - it's - it's over " you repeated a little bit louder. He stated at you his eyes wide and unblinking . " At least give me a kiss first " his voice was sinister , no his essence of love . His Jaw clenched when you didn't answer . he reached out his muscular arms towards you and pulled you closer to him, pushing you against the door frame , the door frame tore and cut at your skin as he pushed you into it . you winched under his grip but he easily held you in place . "Just one kiss . then I'll leave. " With that he attacked your lips with his . He was aggressive , he simple cared about the feeling it gave him . When he pulled away he smiled and released his grip on you . Before turning away and walking out of your house . when you heard the door slam you released the gasp and sobs you had been holding . you walked back into your room ; tears falling , and tried to remove any trace of Adam being there . You picked up the chair he had thrown and put it back in its original place ,and re organised the objects that now lay scattered across your bedroom floor as a result of the chairs impact . You pulled down your sleeves that had risen as well as the end of your top to hide the cuts and used the back of your hand to wipe away your smudged mascara and Salty tears just as you heard your front door slam . immediately you began to panic thinking Adam had returned but you soon felt relieved when you hear Robbie call up to you . "Y/N , you here ? I brought films and food. " You smiled as you heard Robbie make his way to your room. " Hey Y/N " Robbie greater with a warm smile . " Hey " you replied returning the smile." So what films did you bring ? " You asked trying to forget about Adam .

" Your favourites " he smirked to himself as you grabbed the bag out of his hand and pulled out your favourite films x-men first class , if I stay and Peter Pan the Disney version . " What one do you want to watch first " you asked . " I don't mind , X-men ? "

You nodded you head in agreement and rushed down stairs Robbie close behind you . " I'll make popcorn , you put it on " you heard Robbie laugh to himself as you skidded into the kitchen. you took the popcorn out of the. cubbord ( I've gone blank on how you spell it ) and put it I. The microwave setting the time for three minutes . you waited patiently hearing them all pop and turn into the fluffy salty snack you love . Just before the time ran out you grabbed a bowl from one of the high shelves and poured in the popcorn . " You ready ? " You jumped not expecting Robbie to be there . he laughed at your reaction . " Yea I am now coming " you playfully hit his arm on the way passed .

You sat down beside Robbie and snuggled into his chest with his arm wrapped around you . You tucked into the confectionary Robbie had brought as well as the popcorn , sitting in comfortable silence watching the film laughing together at the funny moments . A few times you caught Robbie looking at you but you shrugged it off and returned to the film . Absent mindely Robbie began tracing his fingers up and down your skin . accidentally he caught the bottom of your top revealing the cuts made today . " Y/N what are those ? " Robbie asked worry obvious in his voice .

" I - um " you struggled to answer . " I broke up with Adam today ..."

" He did that too you !? " Robbie asked stunned .

" Yes, but I don't think he-"

"Y/N don't defend him. He shouldn't treat you like that ." he sighed " did he also cause the ones on your arms ?" you pulled away slightly . " I saw them when you got the popcorn " You nodded. Robbie wrapped his arms around you protectively " I am so sorry" he muttered into your hair . you looked up at him and he gazed down at you . as if on que you both began to lean it until your lips were greeting each other . the kiss with Robbie was so much different than Adam , Robbie was gentle but still had enough passion to make it exciting . you seemed to fit together perfectly . You pulled away and looked at each other unsure of what to say . " You don't deserve anyone like him Y/N . I am here now you don't have to worry . " With that you felt safe in Robbie's and you knew that even when the time came for him to let go he would still be there for each other as you had been since the beginning if your friendship and maybe a little bit more .

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