Ch.35(preparation for the Mission To uncover Rala 2.0's identity)

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Andres said " Alright. Ive made a number of preperationsfor this mission. First of all,I filled the vacant positions of the elemental gods,Specifically, the Lighting god power,i gave to kyle's brother,raiko.the water god power,i gave to Korai's sister,leah. The darkness god power,to aki,the wind god power,to Leo II,The metal god,to joshua,and the snake god,to jonah. Next,after assessing Rala 2.0's abillities and His current path,i formed a 22 person team including myself to hunt him and uncover who he is. The team consists of yuro,me,aki,jonah,Toby,ibako,Mike,James,baki,joe,phillip,vince,arthur,akito,kade,leah,Kai,Raiko,Dio,
fumiko,kazumi,and leon." Arthur said "Hold on you're bringing the prisoners along? What if they escape?" Akito said " don't worry.i had jean and james place timed explosions on the two of em that are set to detonate if they try to escape and they cant get removed." Kazumi and Leon shivered.  Andres said " Well anyways, we depart in 1 hour. Get ready."

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