Ch.3(Akari vs aki round 2)

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Akari was standing on the ledge of a mountain, overseeing the battlefield when suddenly he heard a voice say. "Clay spikes!" Akari said "shit!" And dodged the attack. Akari said "aki....." Aki said " we never got around to finishing our match earlier." Akari said "poisonous gas bomb!" Aki said "clay wall!" Akari said "you are good. But I am better." Aki said "I will beat the crap out of you."  akari said "gas spikes!" Aki said
"Clay golem!" Akari said "gas blade!" The golem got obliterated. Aki said " Clay fist!"  Akari  coughed up blood. Akari said " poisonous gas cloud!" Aki held his breath. Aki said " clay tsunami. " akari said " gas wall."
Aki grabbed out the clay sword and stabbed akari through the heart.

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