Ch.36(Rala 2.0 identity Uncovery arc-Departing)

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(At the town gate)
Andres said " Lets go!"


Andres said "we'll split up,in 2 people teams. By the way,akito,where is the target now?"  Akito said "hang on. Nekoshumi castle." Toby said "ok, who's with who?" Andres said " Kade and kai,aki and Baki,jonah and Leon,Kazumi and Mike,James and Akito, Ibako and Dio,Fumiko and Leah,Raiko and
Phillip,Yuro And Me, Joe and vince,Toby and Arthur." Toby said "ok!" Andres said " Each group follow seperate routs to the castle! If you come in contact with the target,engage after signaling your position!"  All of them agreed.

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