Ch.8( Michael and Kai vs rala)

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Michael said "damn! We got separated." Kai said "kade can handle himself lets worry about our own predicament." Rala said "you will perish. " Kai said "That is my line." Rala laughed and said "What are you going to do huh? Breath some wimpy fire at me!??" Kai growled and said " yeah sure.Fire  breath!" Rala dodged it then Michael said "wind shuriken!" Rala said "ow!" Kai said " Michael! He's vulnerable to your wind!" Michael said " I don't think it's only the wind kai! Your fire seemed to hurt him earlier!" Kai said " Looks like we have the advantage." Rala said "While it is true i am weak to the elements of wind and fire, it all depends on the strength of your attacks." Michael said "what do you mean by ' strength of our attacks' ?" Rala said "for example, lets take your wind shuriken. That was close up and i did not have any means to dodge it. But kai's fire breath, i was able to dodge it,however ass you can see,it did in fact graze me." Kai said " oh so you mean that burn mark on your shoulder is not just for show." Rala said " Yeah." Kai said "Flame blade!" Rala said "what!?" Michael said " That's a Cheap tactic but it  Hurt him so we are good!" Kai said "Shit! Michael get down!" Mchael said "what- Damn!" Rala said " War god technique:Elemental Seal." Michael said " damn what's this hard stuff?!" Rala said " Its to make sure the seal works against strong opponents." Kai whispered " hey Michael. Emmitt Wind from your right eye." Michael replied "you emmit fire from your left eye then." Kai said "got it." Rala said " This Heat! And this gust of wind! Don't tell me!" Michael and kai said "Flame Tornado!!"

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