Ch.30(Rala appears once again)

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Kaji and mike leaped through the forest. Kaji said "Dammit,how the hell is Rala alive!?" Mike said "I don't know!!! But i know for sure that aint akato." Kaji said "Alright. So who is he?" Mike said "watch out idiot !" Kaji and mike barely managed to dodge a huge fire arrow. Mike said "Lava Cannon." Kaji said "ok then, Manga transportation!!" Rala said "well damn." 

(Later During an elemental gods meeting)

Andres said "I'm not sure how its possible,but Rala is alive."  Kade said "How?"  Mike said "whoever the hell was under the mask,they had Rala's appearance and everything."  Akito said "Remember,Rala was only an identity." Josh said "You have a point." Kai said "What about Akato's 'subordinate' being this new rala?"   isaribi said "Maybe,but who might be akato's subordinate?" Yuro said " I don't want to know what that could mean." Andres said "Who knows. Well Investigate on that, all of you. Anyways meeting adjourned."

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