Ch.17(Reverse reaper worked in a bad way)

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Andres said " Spirit dragon!" Akato said " war Python!" Andres said " Ice Bomb! Fire Roar! Spirit blade! Nature dragon!" Akato said " 4 elements at once ? So scary. War Dragon!Ice dragon! Lightning Dragon! Fire dragon! Darkness Pistol! Water cyclone!" Andres said " 6 elemental shield!!" Akato said " War bullet!" Andres said " Water Pistol! Ice pistol!" Akato said " Nature God tree shield!" Andres said " Smokescreen!" Andres said " Darkness Blade! Ice spikes! Clay golem! Ice golem! Clay spikes! Nature tree blade! Fire golem!water bullet!" Akato said "gigantic nature shield! Now you must have little to no energy left andres you might as well give up." Andres said "your he the one yuro teaed up with to fight the first lightning god all those years ago?" Akato collapsed. Akato said "You beat me." Andres said " answer me!" Akato said " Yes. With my remaining life energy.. i will cast reverse reaper,reviving the casualties of your war. Reverse re-"
Suddenly a shadow version of fukuroda possesed the left side of akato and said "-aper." Back at the black death hideout yurai, was revived.
Suddenly yurai teleported there. Then darui smashed the wall.


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