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It was all too fast that Jimin just stood there like a statue, unable to breath properly. "I'm sorry, the operation wasn't successful..." He couldn't accept what he heard, declining to understand it at all; not wanting to hear the surgeon's other words. He felt like the life he had has been taken away from him-it was useless to have it anyway. He was getting even more miserable with every second that passed without him.

He knew nothing anymore about promises. He just knew anger and dysphoria that hugged him tightly, not letting go and almost choking him.

The love of his life is nowhere. The sudden pang of realization even pushing the knives of grief further in his chest, where the heart of gold lies. "Liars..." He fell on his knees. Ugly beads of sadness flowed down his "godly made cheeks and jawline" as he would describe it. His mom looked at him, pity spilling out of her stare- the same eyes that looked at Jimin and him with disgust almost. She brought his helpless son up and asked him to sit on the couch but Jimin felt no difference when he was on the floor, it was still cold and numbing. His father quickly handed him some water but it just provided him more tears to cry out.

He suddenly felt useless, unhappy, fooled, stupid, dumb, fucked up, horrible, just all the negative things he could think of (was he even thinking right at this point?), all the bad things he could never be because he was...a masterpiece to Jimin. He was made of gold, shining so brightly and fiercely in this cruel society. "He didn't deserve it, we know honey." His mother said again. He deserved the whole universe so who was she kidding? Ah, right, herself. "You killed him."

Those words were just so right coming out of his "filthy mouth"- as his mother would say. "Park Jimin. How could you say such things." He didn't have to answer, it's no use to his mother who believed nothing is more true and pure than herself. Jimin just wished his mother was given better eyes to see and ears to hear.


Breaking News: Dancer Park Jimin found lifeless in his apartment after the death of his boyfriend- Min Yoongi. Autopsy reports drug overdose.

"Park Jimin loved Min Yoongi but their love was too beautiful, it had to be taken away from this undeserving world." Quoted by one of the couple's friend who came unknown.

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