How everyone met

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It all started when Izuku Midoryia developed a quirk.
Due to it being quite strong it had to stay hidden.

Only Katsuki Bakugo and Inko Midoryia knew Midoryia had a quirk.
Because no one else knew Midoryia had a quirk they picked on him, quite a lot.

His own mother didn't really...
Like him.
There was no love between the 2, ever since his father left she's been cold and distant. Sometimes hurting Izuku due to built up rage against the child.

Katsuki Bakugo was the only one there for Midoryia. He stayed by his side, understanding his situation. Midoryia would come over to his house when things would be unbearable back at home.

Though that wasn't any better either.
Katsuki didn't have very good parents...
They'd get in fights every single day due to random indifferences. Both boys would have no where to go so they'd go hang out at the playground.

As time went on they met people who too, were suffering.
Shoto Todoroki, Yaoyorozu momo, fumikage Tokoyami, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Ejirou Kirishima, Ochaco uruaka, Kyoka Jirou, mashirao Ojirou, tsuyu Asui, toru Hagakure, Ashido Mina, rikido Sato, yuga aoyoma, minrou Mineta, Tenya Iida, koji koda, Mezou shoji.

All of them had some form of abuse, that either being in their home life, school life, or both.

The 20 of them formed an alliance. They'd look out for each other and stick up for each other. No one knew what Izuku's quirk was despite all being in the same group as him.

Only Katsuki did.
And Katsuki would tell no one, he promised that to Midoryia.

By middle school life had only gotten worse for all of them. They wanted a safe zone. Somewhere they could go to escape, even if no one else was there.

So Midoryia did something miraculous.

He found an abandoned building and fixed it up. No one owned the building, not to mention it was in an abandoned area. He fixed it up for all of them to escape to whenever they needed to. Itd always be supplied with food and water, it'd have a seating area, multiple rooms to chill in, and it was generally just a safety haven.

They didn't know how Midoryia pulled it off within such a little amount of time.

One day...

Midoryia got an idea...

"Okay so I bet you're all wondering why I brought you all here" Midoryia began.
Bakugo was already onboard with the idea, Midoryia had talked to him about it much earlier.

"Yeah" they all collectively said.

"Well I had an idea.
Why don't we become a Mafia group. We'll take down people that deserve it. We can't be technically heros considering we'll be killing but we'll be helping in the end." Midoryia proposed.

"But how will we make sure we don't get caught? If we did do this?" Kirishima asked.

"I already figured that much out. I had been thinking about this for a while. We all have horrible lives, we might as well.
No one but us would actually care.

Anyways if your worried about getting caught I figured out how to avoid all of that.

Well when we're going on missions we'll all be wearing our collective outfits. All of them would have a mask, so no one could see our faces.

Second, I'll teach us all how to stealthily kill and get away with it. I'll also teach you all good fighting technique. I've done a lot of studying on the matter.

Aren't you all tired of how we're being treated?

I say we get back at society.

So what do you all say?" Midoryia said.

"Well, if we don't get caught and we have a proper plan then...
I'm on board with the idea" Momo said.

"I agree" "why not?" "Sure" they all agreed.

"And so it's settled.
I already got a name for us.

Class mafia.

We'll go to UA to lower our suspicions. No one would suspect teens going to a prestigious school in the hero course to be secret mafia members. Besides we'd get great training with all of our quirks and fighting.

No one would ever know!" Midoryia cheered.

It was one of the first times they were seeing Midoryia genuinely smile on an idea. He was generally cold, always wore an exhausted look. That's what you'd expect.

Even being in a welcoming group and having friends, if your home and school life are no good then how would that help?

"So when will we start to learn all these things.
The entrance exam for UA is in 6 months" Kaminari asked.

"Starting next week. That's when I'll be able to get everything we need for training" Midoryia replied before his phone went off.

Midoryia stood up and picked up the phone.

"IZUKU MIDORYIA WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU HAD TO BE HOME 3 MINUTES AGO."  Inko Midoryia screamed. It was so loud everyone could hear.

"I'm sorry mother.. I'll be there soon" Midoryia sighed.
"You have a punishment waiting" she said.

Midoryia internally groaned as he ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Well then....
I have to go.

Kacchan if you want to further discuss the idea and answer questions you're welcome to.

I'll see you all tomorrow" Midoryia said beginning to walk to the exit door.
Pity rested in the eyes of the 19 teens.

They all knew what Midoryia was going through, some of them had gone through the same thing...

It's why they stuck together like glue.

Midoryia walked slowly back home. He wasn't ready for what his mom had in store for him...
It was only 5:10pm, he had to be home at 5:00pm on the dote. If he's ever late then...

(Trigger ⚠️)
Midoryia was thrown into the wall of the dirty house as he made his way inside. His nose being flattened by the wall, making it bleed.

A knife came flying at him, stabbing his calf. He screamed in pain as his mother grabbed him by his curly hair and slammed him into the ground.

"SHUT IT" she spat.

It went on for 10 minutes, the amount of time Midoryia was late for.

After he was sent to his room.
He had a busted nose, a cracked rib, a stabbed calf, bruised arms, and a couple more cuts all around from a knife.

Midoryia grabbed the first aid kit and used it best to his ability as he sat in his room.

Hopeless for a better home life.

(Author note here!

Hello everyone! What do you all think? I hope it's good cause I kinda like it! Anyone have guesses on what Midoryia's power could be? Tell me what you think!

Btw the back stories of everyone will be coming out in the next chapter!

This chapter was purposely short.
Also there likely will be murder in this story. And I have to say it.
Don't kill anyone or anything, and I'm serious

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