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Midoryia did what he always would do when going to steal a quirk.
Sneak out, change, steal, kill, run.

There wasn't anything interesting with it, for him at least. After he stole the memory alterer he snuck back to Hawks's house and slept as he he always would.

Time skip-.

The entire class buzzed with excitement as they all walked into the bus holding all of their things.
It was an hour drive to this camp but it was worth it.

Once they made it to the "camp" the class was a bit confused.
"Where's the camp?" Mina asked.
Aizawa remained silent.

Suddenly a black mini car pulled up.
It stopped and out came 2 women.
"Hello we are the wild wild kitty cats!!" They both shouted.

"Oh I know of these heros." Midoryia thought to himself.

"I'm Pixie-Bob!" The blond woman said.
"I'm mandalay" the brunette added.

"Where's the camp?" Kaminari asked.
A smug grin made its way to Pixie-Bob's face as she stretched her hand down to touch the ground.

"Ha ha..
Let's get back to the bus" Kaminari began to run as did everyone else.
She activated her quirk making everyone go toppling down.
"The camp is at the base of the mountain. Meet us there before noon if you want lunch~!" Pixie-Bob shouted as she got back into her car with mandalay.

Midoryia groaned as he fixed himself up. Everyone had fallen quite hard.
"We have to go through this forest, tsk" Bakugo spat.

They looked at the dense forest with annoyance in their eyes.
What was going to get them through it?
Midoryia began to walk. That's all they could do.

As Midoryia and the rest of the class made their way through the forest a large mud beast emerged from the ground heading straight for Midoryia. Midoryia began to run towards the large beast  going right under it letting the mud thing flip over on itself trying to grab Midoryia.

The class gasped as they searched for Midoryia, they couldn't see him. Midoryia emerged from the mud and continued to walk. The class stared astonished as he rubbed the mud off himself.

They continued through the forest destroying bunches and bunches of those mud monsters.
Hours and hours go by and eventually they made it to the cabin area.

Midoryia fell to the ground in exhaustion.
"Is he okay??" Mandalay asked.
"He's exhausted." Aizawa replied as he walked up to Midoryia. Aizawa handed his hand to help Midoryia up.
Midoryia took his hand, stealing some of his energy on purpose.

Midoryia looked the most battered out of everyone there.
"Out of everyone else I sent those mud monsters at, you're the only one I haven't seen use a quirk" Pixie-Bob said.

"I'm quirkless" Midoryia sighed.
"Oh! Sorry to pry" Pixie-Bob apologized.
The class was taken to a cabin much bigger than there sleeping cabins. It was the lunch room.
They were given plates of food, the only time they'd be allowed to have premade food.

After they were sent to take a shower and sleep. It was nightfall anyways.

The next day.

Due to the fact Midoryia "didn't have a quirk" he had to do physical labor. 100 push ups, 100 pull ups, 150 sit ups, and. 5 minute plank. He'd have to do these every other hour, so even if he finished one round he'd have to redo it once he got an hour break. His entire body was aching as he went into do his 5th round of this torture training.

When all the training was done they all had to make their own meals. When they finished they didn't even like it but with how hungry they were they would eat anything.

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