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"Why should I allow you to work here?" Sir nighteye hissed.

Bakugo groaned,"look man. I don't know, your little underling told me I should. If he believes it then I guess I should be allowed to work here"

"Mirio, why would you bring this disrespectful kid here?" Nighteye spat.

"Sir, he demonstrates great analysis skill! He managed to beat me earlier today in a battle, his skill rubbed off in everyone else and because of him they managed to work together to try and beat me" Mirio said.

"You mean to tell me this impulsive looking teen is actually analytical?
Prove it" sir nighteye glared at Bakugo.

"I don't have to prove myself to anyone. It's your choice to believe me" Bakugo glared right back at him.

"Disrespectful, egotistical, and rude. You show no capabilities of becoming a hero.".

"Believe whatever you want.
I don't care" Bakugo hissed, turning his back and beginning to walk off.

"Bakugo wait, just show sir that you're better than he thinks you are" Mirio said, panicked.

"Why should I? He's the one to jump to the fastest conclusion before even trying to figure anyone out. He's one of the worst kinds of people picky, overly strict, and never bothers to welcome people based on what they appear to be" Bakugo concluded.

Sir nighteye was taken aback by what Bakugo had said.

"But Bakugo-"

"Okay, Katsuki Bakugo.
An old man dies, leaving behind two sons. In his will, he orders his sons to race with their horses, and the one with the slower horse will receive his inheritance. The two sons race, but since they're both holding their horses back, they go to a wise man and ask him what they should do. After that, the brothers race again — this time at full speed. What did the wise man tell them?" Sir nighteye said.
(I got this off the intern lol).

Bakugo paused and thought for a bit, muttering some of what sir nighteye said.

"He told them to switch horses." Bakugo replied.

"And why's that?"

"Because whoever wins gets the inheritance, since they own the slower horse".

Maybe that one was too easy.
You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?"

"That's more simple that the previous one, they're all married."

Final riddle.
How can you drop a raw egg onto the concrete floor without cracking it?"

"The concrete won't crack."

Okay Bakugo.
I want you to take this stamp from my hands and stamp your contract on your own.
That'll prove to me whether or not you can work here" sir nighteye said.

"I'm not wasting my dang time on someone who's too stubborn to accept that people aren't as they seem.
Good bye".

"He has a lot of potential.
It'd be a waste if I just let him leave...
Fine then." Sir nighteye stamped the paper himself.

"Katsuki Bakugo.
Your full of potential and I don't want to waste it.
You're working here from now on".

A smirk made its way into Bakugo's face, "just as I planned" he scoffed.

"I knew what type of person you were before I came here, all might's former side kick.
I knew you wouldn't simply accept me cause you're a bit difficult.
So I just played my own mind truck on you.

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