war plan

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"From everything  questioned you're innocent but.

With how literally everyone else was a villain I have high doubts your completely innocent" nighteye said.

"He checks out as innocent. My quirk doesn't lie" Tsukauchi said.

Aizawa activated his quirk on Shinsou to double check that Tsukauchi wasn't under his mind control.

"Huh you're not wrong" Aizawa sighed.

"Why would I lie! I joined the HERO course to be a HERO!" Shinsou spat. He didn't like how falsely accused he was being.

"We thought the same about the OTHER 21 STUDENTS" Hawks sighed.

Shinsou just let a sharp sigh escape his lips as he stared at the ground in anger.


"So now that we're out of UA what do we do?" Bakugo asked.

"I had planned to kill all of the league and after the fake heros I had marked. It'll likely start a war with both heros and other villains but we'll survive, especially now that we can use our quirks freely now" Midoryia replied.

"Right, I'm assuming Monoma told you the location of the League's base? What are we going to do?" Kaminari asked.

"Monoma had told me quite a lot of info.

The base of the league is only where they hang out, however...
They don't live there.

Which means it'd be best if we killed them 1 by 1, killing them when they're all as 1 strong unit is risky" Midoryia replied.

"Killing 1 by 1?" Kirishima questioned.

"Well we'll have to do this at night since it's when they return back to their bases, however. We all won't go attack 1 person. It'll be unethical for 21 people to go after 1 person.

I plan on splitting us into groups of 2-3 on different days to go kill these people" Midoryia replied.

"Oh that makes more sense now"

"Why can't we do them on the same days and kill 10 birds with 5 stones?" Bakugo asked.

"I mean we definitely could but I didn't really think you'd all be up for it" Midoryia replied.

"No. Let's go out and get this job done and over with.

Once the league is out of the way we can get what we're aiming for"

"Justice" they all said in unison.

"Right so let's get these groups figured out so we know who to take down each." Midoryia said as he pulled out his notebook.

Everyone then gathered around and sat around Midoryia to listen to how they'd be divided and who they'd be going after.

"Alright in the league we have-


7 people.

There is 21 of us which means we can divide into 7 groups of 3.

I'll announce the groups and who they'll go after.

Myself, Kacchan, and Monoma, we're going after shigaraki.

Yaoyorozu, Asui, and mina. You're going after toga

Jirou, Hagakure, uraraka. You're going after spinner.

Iida, Sero, and Kaminari you're going after compress.

Tokoyami, Shoji, and Kirishima. You're going after twice.

Mineta, aoyoma, and Koda. You're going after Kurogiri.

And finally.

Sato, Todoroki, and Ojirou.
You're going after Dabi.

We're doing this tonight, I decided on these groups based on how well you'll fight together and who your opponent is.

Make sure you all take a weapon of your choice and since everyone already knows who we are there's no issue using your quirks.

Go all out" Midoryia said.

They all nodded their heads in determination.

Midoryia looked at his phone, "it's 5pm as we speak.

The league usually disperses at 8pm so you all have 3 hours to prepare"

Midoryia then got up and went to go get prepared.


Shinsou was sent to the Dormitory building. It was deafly silent, he enjoyed being alone but this just felt like he was alone.

Aizawa was the only other person in the big Dormitory.

"What do we do?" Shinsou asked.

Considering your classmates somehow managed to all be villains we're just going to have to take them down.

However with how big Midoryia's Mafia is there's a chance a war between heros,villains, and vigilantes may erupt" Aizawa sighed.

"A war?!" Shinsou asked.


A war.

From my knowledge, Midoryia's group is against the league AND heros.
I understand why he would be against the league but why heros?


If he decides to attack all of the league and manages to kill them all their bounty is only going to rise.

With the LOV gone other small time thugs might build themselves up and claim themselves as the leagues revenge and go against the mafia while other people will join Midoryia.

We still have to take both of the groups down.

So with that it'll just be a blood fest" Aizawa said monotonely.

"W-what?! We have to do something!" Shinsou cried.

"We know.
But with Midoryia's power equalling that of his father, AFO, who controlled all the villains and had the highest bounty there's no saying how this might go..

Especially with how he knows how to change all of our memories.
For all we know, he can change our memories to the point where we won't even remember they were villains..." Aizawa sighed.

Shinsou began to sweat nervously, "so you're basically saying we have an overpowered enemy with a whole army..."

"Yeah basically.
But you can stop them"

"Huh?! How!?"

"Your quirk. If you can learn to be able to control more than 5 people at once you may be able to control all 20 of them.

If you can do that we'll be able to arrest them all without having to result to drastic measures" Aizawa said glancing at shinsou.

Do you think I can do it...?"

"With your current mentality.


"Huh?! Then what do i-"

Aizawa cut shinsou off, "you'll change. You'll have to get past your feelings and do what you know is right." Aizawa then walked off leaving Shinsou to think.


Soon the clock hit 8pm.

Everyone was divided into their groups and already stalking there prey...

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