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The next day.

Midoryia has vibed in his base while everyone else was at school. They were all anticipating Monoma's appearance. Any second now Monoma would be walking through that door with fake injuries.

"Shinsou, you're prepared correct?" Aizawa asked.
"Yes but I don't see why we have to do this. Monoma's my friend I doubt he'd stoop to being with the league" shinsou sighed.

10 minutes go by, Aizawa had pretended to have begun class.

That's when Monoma walked in, just like Midoryia had said.
He was littered with "injuries" all over.

"Monoma" they all shouted.
"H-hey guys... I just managed to escape..
Can someone.. help?" Monoma asked. As he leaned against the wall pretending to be hurt.

"Are you okay?!" Shinsou shouted.
"Yea-" Monoma was cut off by Shinsou's quirk.

Are you working for the league?" Shinsou asked, scared of whatever Monoma was going to respond with.

There was a deafing silence as everyone waited for Monoma's response, even though it was only a couple second wait it felt like all of eternity.

".....Yes...." Monoma replied. The entire class 'gasped'. Everyone except those in the masked Mafia didn't know that Monoma was working for the league. Though they had to pretend to be shocked as well.

"Shinsou. Order Monoma to walk up to me" Aizawa said as he reached into his desk for cuffs.

"Monoma walk to Aizawa..." Shinsou said, light tears stinging his eyes. Monoma was his only friend there and now he was going to lose him.

Monoma walked to Aizawa as Aizawa prepared to cuff him. Once he reaches range Aizawa swiftly cuffed him before he could break out of the mind control.

Why are you doing this?" Shinsou asked.
"I joined the league of my free will, I wanted the cash. They wanted more information" Monoma replied robotically.

"Shinsou release him from the mind control" Aizawa instructed.
Shinsou nodded his head and released Monoma.

"Dang it shinsou, I thought we were friends." Monoma hissed as he tried to break out of the cuffs. Aizawa grabbed his arm and forced him onto the wall.

"I thought we were friends too Monoma...
But why'd you have to go and betray us!" Shinsou spat.

"I never wanted to be a dang hero. All of them are pathetic little-" Monoma was cut off when Aizawa slammed him into the wall harder.

"Another word out of you and I'll knock you out.
Bakugo call Nezu and the police" Aizawa said.

Bakugo got up and do as he was told.

Even if you do throw me in jail it's useless. We know what we want and we'll stop at nothing to get it" Monoma laughed.
Aizawa lifted up his hand, pulling Monoma back. He then proceeded to full on slam Monoma face first into the wall, knocking him out and leaving his nose bleeding.

Soon Nezu and Tsukauchi came running through the room.
"Eraserhead. Take him downstairs and load him into the police car. It'll have to be you, if he manages to copy any quirk we don't have anyone to stop it" Tsukauchi instructed.

Aizawa nodded his head and dragged Monoma's knocked out body to the police car.
"Okay class, due to Aizawa's absence present mic will take control of the class for now" Nezu said as present mic cam jumping through.

The class internally groaned, they didn't hate the blond. But he was very very loud.

"Monoma should've been caught by now. I guess Kacchan will tell me later" Midoryia thought to himself.

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