Smiley Chapter 5

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Zara's POV

When I awoke I was surrounded by a white space that seems to have no bounds in any direction. You could walk forever in here, it was peaceful yet unnerving at the same time, I soon began to feel trapped with no exit anywhere in site.

As I keep walking in a random direction I had set out on long ago I begin to make out two figures in the distance both wearing beautiful white flowy dresses.

I begin to pick up my pace hoping they might know where I am and what's going on. But I freeze as I recognize one of the figures as my beautiful mother.

Standing there looking stupid I call out to her and she turns to me but I just stand there as a wave of emotion comes over me. She is exactly who I need after what just happened but this can't be real can it?

I'm pulled from my thoughts by my mother's voice " hi baby girl" sigh it's been so long since I've heard her voice I think to myself as my legs seem to move on there own and tears fill my eyes, before I know it I'm in my mother's arms.

I stay there just hugging her as tight as I can making sure she can't leave me again. With my head firmly pressed against her shoulder she starts to smooth my hair away from my face. It was something she would always do to comfort me and it's one thing I truly have missed but it is to short lived for my liking as she gently pulls away from me.

"Hey baby girl, let me introduce you to the moon goddess". Surprised by the name i say "Unique name". The unknown lady smiled at this before stating "Thank you but Zara the reason why we have brought you here is because your mum, never got to tell you everything about your ancestry, about me and the blood running through your vains before she sadly passes with your father." she looked to my mother with gental eyes before continuing "Now there is a lot to take in so I suggest you take a seat"

Confused I say "Huh but there is no seat.." before being cut off by my loving mother "It's behind you honey". Thinking I was losing my mind as I was just walking in a blank white space, my mother and the moon goddess being the only exception so I say "That wasn't there a second ago".

The moon goddess seemed to agree with me as she confirms. "We know but that doesn't matter right now. What you got to know is that you are my desindent you have special blood running through your vains which is why you can see the dead. When you meet a special someone after you turn 18 they will release your full potentia...". Absolutely beliving I was going crazy at this point I intupted this moon goddess with "Wait sorry what, your trying to say that some dude is going to give me some weird wacky super power hahahah yea right are you for real?"

The moon goddess did not seem to happy with me cutting her off and so she snarkly replied to me "It is not something weird or wacky, they are powerful and you will need to learn to control them but yes the man or women who will unlock your full potential is your mate, they are your second half. Now knowing this is a dream I mumbled out "huh I wonder if smiley druged me, because I'm dreaming up some crazy shit. But at least I got to see mom again".This is where my mom stepped in with a look of concern on her face "Zara who is smiley?" She questioned me.

I replied without even thinking "huh, oh he's this really creepy dude who always comes into the pool and stares me out of it but today he draged me into the sauna and started kissing me with no warning but then he pulled away and was talking to himself, but I got really panicky and ended up passing out so here I am."

I could see my mother about to say something but the moon goddess beat her to it "Zara did you by any chance feel tingly or sparks where he touched you?". I scrunched my face up because now that she had mentioned it I suddenly realized that I had and so I decided to be honest "huh now that you mention it, yea I did" I say getting kinda confused, that shouldn't happen right?

My mother and the moon goddess share a look and they just nod to each other before my mother continued in a soothing voice "Ok Zara I know you said you find Smiley creepy but you have some other feeling for him as well don't you?". Finding even the thought of that nasty, I could feel the scowl forming on my face as I stated "huh,. Errr no I don't". My mother didnt seem to belive this as she said "ok honey I'm going to need you to be honest with your self, you like him deep down don't you?"

Still not wanting to admit it I said "ummm yea no I don't". My mom did not give in though and continued "ok well at the very least you are attracted to him right?" She asks with her brows slightly pinched together in loving almost worried way. Giving in some what to my mother I explained "well I mean he has his moments where he looks pretty Dame good looking but the crepy-ness is just to much"

The moon goddess had stayed scilent up until now and it appeared she had questions of her own and so she asked "what do you mean by the creepy-ness Zara" slightly done with this conversation i sigh "he's just constantly staring at me and whenever I look in his direction he would always smile at me. In the beginning it was really nice because it was a goffy/ giddy smile that gave child like happiness vibes. You know the kind of happiness only a child can have, as if there was never a worry in the world."

I paused for a moment but my mother encouraged me to continue "yes go on honey" my mother said with her eyebrows still pinched together maybe even a little more probably knowing what I've had to go through since her and my dad passed. The worries and love evident on her face.

And so i did continue "but the smile started becoming creepy, when we would make eye contact he would smile at me but it wasn't the goofy smile anymore. It was a smile that showed his intentions. I also later on found out that on my first day working there he had gone to the receptionist asking about my age, my name, my phone number, so yea that's what I mean by creepy."

The Moon goddess humed "ok Zara I get where your coming from and we will go back to it in a minute but there is one major thing I need to tell you first".

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