Smily Chapter 10

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Xaivers Pov

It was 30 mins later, before I heard the running water of Zaras shower. Waiting two or three minutes I quietly exit my room hoping she left her clothes outside her room as I had asked and almost jumped for joy when I saw them. Quickly grabbing them I took long hurried strides back into my room. I know what I am doing is weird but don't you dare blame me unless you have known your mate and have been waiting for her the last 2 years, you don't have the capacity to understand what even just her scent will do for me at this point. But closing the door behind me I shove her clothes under my pillow hoping her scent will inbed itself into my pillow by the time I go to sleep tonight.

I leave my room right after not waiting around for her earlier scent to effect me but instead go down to the kiction to make myself and Zara a late night snack.

Zaras pov
Finishing up my shower I felt more relaxed than ever. The room was warm my pjs were fluffy and I smelt food downstairs. Slipping on my socks I started making my way downstairs. Not really knowing where I was going I tried following the smell which eventually lead me to the kiction.

I was surprised to see Smiley making some French toast. Feeling a little awkward I cleared my throat, which thankfully caught Smileys attention. "Ah hi Zara, take a seat, I hope you like French toast !"

Xaivers pov
Being able to feel everything Zara felt was one of the best things about our bond although it was still not compleated, I could still tell she was not full after the food at Joe's diner, I also just happen to know that French toast was one of her favorite foods so I decided to whip it up quickly and by Zara's reaction it was definitely the right decision.

Having served Zara her food I sat down across from her with my own plate. Zara was absolutely adorable, the way she swong her feet and bobbed her head when eating foods she liked. Trying to make small conversation I asked "Is your room to you liking?". I could tell Zara didnt really know how to respond as zaras unsure voice rang out "ahh yes it is clean and warm so there is not much else I would need from a room".

Humming I continue "and how is the rooms decoration, is that to you liking?". Zara thought for a moment "humm well I never really thought about that, it's not something I usually pay attention to." Now only relising Zara never would of had the time, energy or funds to care about such frivolous things while supporting herself through her teenage life dampened my mood a little, as that's not the way I would of liked for her to grow up but none the less it was and there is no changing the past.

Deciding to focus on the bright side of things I tell Zara "well have a look around you room and see if there is anything you would like to change. If so we can pick it up tomorrow while clothes shopping." Now happy I could start providing Zara with a more relaxed and hopefully happier life.

Zara seemed to have some reservations to this thought as she said "I'm sure everything works perfectly well so there is no need to replace anything as for the clothes I have everything I need. Also as I am better now I see no reason why I will not be at work tomorrow assuming my position has not already covered."

I most definitely was not for Zara working any more now that she knows we are mates. It was always my plan that I would provide for her as soon as she found out. I needed to make that clear so reaching for zaras hand i say "Zara you are my mate. And as your mate it is my responsibility to provide for you, from now on there will be no need for you to work so hard anymore. Please just take a step back and relax for awhile, you haven't had the easiest last few years and although I can't give those years back to you I at least want to provide you with the time and ability to explore yourself the way you never got to the last few years".

Surprised at my own words having not thought out my words I hold my breath while I stare into zaras eyes waiting for her response. Growing nervous as she pulls her hand away. That is untill I here her voice " Thank you xaiver that is really thoughtful of you, but all I know is to work so if I suddenly stop I would feel lost." Now feeling calmer I release the breath I was holding and take in a deep breath. Relising why Zara had pulled her hands away, although faint I could smell her.

It made my heart swell knowing I had as much of an effect on her as she did on me and I knew the sparks grew stronger and stronger every moment as zaras birthday grew closer.

Continuing our conversation I say "I suppose I didn't think of it from that point of view but how about you take a few days off just untill after your birthday and cut back on your hours a little?"

Zara took a moment to think "ok I will take off untill the 2nd or 3rd of July so I can have I full day off after my birthday and I will have to talk to Laura about cutting back my hours because the business is very short staffed. I don't even want to try think about how they covered my shifts"

Chuckling I say "dont worry about that my cousin had just turned in his cv so he got the job very quickly after you went out sick".

We continued making small talk for awhile before Zara started yawning so gabbing the dishes I loaded them into the dishwasher and walked Zara to her room "Zara if you need anything I am just two doors down so don't be afraid to come and get me".

Zara nodded her head sheepishly before pushing her door open and muttering her good night's. I watched as she closed her door and a big smile broke out on my face as it was now my turn to walk into my room.

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