chapter 7

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Xavier's pov

My wolf Alex was with out a dought excited to see our mate Zara awake and well again. He was pushing to the frount but unlike last time he was not trying to surface probably with the her reaction still fresh in his mind. I don't know how much Zara knows about mates or about us so deciding it was best if she told me everything she knew first and we could go from there, hopefully not scaring her off in the process. So breathing in I say "Ah I see we can talk about that later but for now we need to sort you out with a place to sleep and I need you to tell me what you know so we can go from there ok?" I ask Zara trying not to let my hopefulness of her knowing about us show in my words.

Zara lifted her head and looked me in the eyes before asking "Am..... can I not just stay at my family home as I always have?" With a little concern and confusion in her voice.

I knew she was in no danger of anything happening as i now know she was unconscious due to the moon goddess but I wasn't going to tell her that so holding her gaze I say "Oh well you were unconscious in the hospital for the last week so I think its best if we keep an eye on you." Thankfully Zara didn't object to this as she mumbled "Ah I see" with little dejection in her voice.

Knowing how much she loved food I tried to cheer her up a little by saying "Ok well let me bring you some place for food you must be starving and then maybe you can tell me what you know? I questioned.

Zara's face lit up at the sound of food and she camly spoke "Ok that sounds good because I could kill for an irish breakfast hahahaha. WAIT there is a place that serves that around here right?" Zara all but demand to know.

Not beliving her change in attitude over food I chuckled out "Haha you are so cute when your hungry." I say almost to myself

"But you have 2 options either we go to 'Joe's' or my house" I said waiting for Zara's reaction because the goddess knows I am not leaving her tonight.

"Ok judging by your reaction 'Joe's' it is haha my car is parked outside so lets get you changed and off we go". I say in awkwardness from Zara's blatant reluctance to go to my house clearly visible on her face.

"Am is there any clothes for me to change into?" Zara asked as awkwardly as I last spoke. "Great job numnuts" my wolf interjected.

"Ah yea they should be on a chair by the bed I believe" I say trying to get rid of the awkwardness.

As we are driving to Joe's Zara breaks the silence " Xavier, is it". Ouch she doesn't even know our name. I just hum in response trying not to let the hurt seep out.

She takes a deep breath only audible due to wolf hearing " so.... we are mates right?" It's now my turn to take a deep breath only this time it is clearly audible to the human ear.

If she knew all this then why the hesitation earlier? "Yea but how do you... no then earlier why..."

"I'm sorry Xavier I know you have questions but please let me finish first hopefully that will give you some answers".

Taking a deep breath again Zara started "I know you have known me for a long time and it has been difficult for you to wait this long. But I am just finding out, this is all new to me, your whole world is new to me so I need time to process everything. I sorry this may be selfish of me but I need you to wait a little longer so I can take everything in. I'm still in high-school, I dont even know how much older than me you are, and I am sorry again but you use to creep me out at work sometimes and I'm not sure I can even trust you after what you did to me"

Zara said quite camly but with a shakiness in her voice.

"Oh I see we can talk more at Joe's". Is all i could muster up dejection evident in my voice.

As we pull up to Joe's I quickly park and go to open Zara's door for her but she wasn't for that. "I was going to get your door for you haha" I say as we walk by my side of the car again towards the entrance of Joe's diner.

"Oh that all good no need" Zara waves me off but there was no denying the slight pink tinge on her cheeks.

"Can I at least get this door for you" I ask in playfulness.

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