Smiley Chapter 6

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Not really happy she had just glossed over my concerns after she had asked me to elaborate on smiley so I just said a curt "ok". The moon goddess seemed to pay no attention to my attitude though. As she continues "I know who Xavier is, unfortunately for your mother and yourself are only finding out now." Not knowing who the Xavier person was I questioned the moon goddess "Xavier? I never mentioned a Xavier. I dont even think I know anyone named that."

A light seemed to go off for the moon goddess as she exclaimed "AH right sorry you know him as smiley, but anyway I know who he is, he is the reason your boss knows your every need, he is the one who helped you out so much before but let his sister, Your Boss take credit for it and he is the one who was made for you, like you father was made for your mother".

Obviously I did not belive what she was saying because who would, she was this unknown person to me who was now telling me that the creepy guy only had the best intentions for me yea right. Not being able to hold in my laugh from how ridiculous this sounds it slipped out " Hahahah" holding my stomach with how hard I was laughing, I continued "stop you are making my stomach hurt there is no way that man wants to do anything good to or for me so you can stop the jokes now"

The moon goddess did not seem to pleased with me at all, she looked annoyed and talked sternly "Zara I am not joking I paired the two of you together long ago he is your other half and he needs you just as much as you will soon need him". Not really feeling like living as life set out for me by some lady I didn't know I retaliate "Well I am sorry then you made a mistake in pairing us. He is too old for me anyways and I don't think I will ever get over his stares ughh just thinking about it now gives me the shakes". The moon goddess just glared nobody talked for a moment and silence fell between us before my mum spoke up "Zara think about all the times your boss has helped you." Changing my tone a little at my mothers calm and caring tone of voice to say an unsure "ok" and my mother continued "Now think of him doing all that instead of your boss. Does that change anything about how you see him?"

Thinking about it for a minute I then honestly tell my mother "I mean it would make him more tolerable but I don't think I could ever go for him with the looks he gives me. They are just too off putting."

This is when the moon goddess broke her scilence "Zara please just give him a break he has known you were his 2nd half for 2 years now and has held himself back until now hoping you would soon recognize him as your second half. It has been a very difficult time for him most mates can't wait a day before bonding. But he has waited nearly 2 years for you on top of that he has tried his best to lessen your suffering as much as he could from afar. If that doesn't show his true intentions then I don't know what will." Feeling somewhat sorry for Smiley I sigh "if that were true i would feel bad for him but I don't know for sure this is not a hallucination it's all just too weird how do I know my brain is not just making all this up to save me from the situation in the sauna?"

The moon goddess was definitely fed up at this point I could tell by the tone of her voice "ok well Zara we have kept you here too long already, 7 days have passed since I have brought you here there is 3 days left till your birthday. Verify this when you wake, I hope this is enough for you the belive us and ask him about werewolves we no tim~

The white light begins to faid untill I am in complete darkness again. Struggling to open my eyes I am surprised to see all white again. I massage my forehead to help with the acing, I no longer am in the endless white space or at the pool but instead in a white room with 4 white walls lying down on a bed and it smells like a hospital. Oh great how the hell am I going to afford this?

I'm surprised to see I'm changed when I pull the covers off of me to hop out of the bed and find myself dragging my feet across the floor to the door. Almost feeling like my feet were injected with lead.

As I pull on the door it creaks open to reveal Smiley crouched over on the floor and sleeping outside my door. It looked quite uncomfortable so I put my hand on his shoulder to shake him awake but to my surprise the gentle touch was enough.

Unfortunately he didn't seem to like being woken up as he grabbed my wrist and twisted it, and it wasn't untill I left out a Yelp out he looked up and relised who I was.

Smiley immediately shot up, worry and guilt evident on his face. Rushing to check my wrist he started apologizing "I'm sorry Zara, I thought you were Laura she is the only one with the nerve to try and drag me away while I was sleeping. I didn't think you were awake. Are you ok" he rushes out looking me in the eyes after he finished his examination of my wrist but leaving his hand in mine sending dull tingles up my arm.

"It's ok but where am I and how long was I out to be brought here"

Scratching the back of his neck Xavier answered " umm you have been out 7 days and you're at my er.. pack hospital."

"7 days days huh, I guess the moon goddess wasn't an hallucination", I mumbled out but smiley seemed to hear. "Huh Zara did you say you saw the moon goddess?" He said in a soft yet confused tone.

"Yes i did why?" Smileys eyebrows flew up in what I imagine to be shock and he hopefully asked "do you know about werewolves and mates then?"

Umm she told me about mates but not wolves she seemed to run out of time even though it could not have been more than 1 hour of us talking 7 days have passed here. But she said you would explain. I looked at him expecting an answer but his face contorted a little into an unreadable expression.

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