Part 25

460 26 7

Gun's POV

''HELL NO, P'!!!!!!!! I AM NOT GOING TO A NIGHT CLUB WITH YOU!!!!'' I said almost shouting.

P'Off's expression changed into an annoyed one.

''I knew it!! I knew it that you would refuse to go on a nightclub!!!! Arghhhh!!!! Gun!!!! And don't tell me that you didn't even go to a nightclub before?!'' P'Off said giving me a suspicious look.

Yes, I have never been to a nightclub before. I not a type of a guy who likes to party or someone who looks like he would go to a ''nightclub''. I don't even drink! Actually, I have never drink before. ''I never went to a nightclub'' it's even written on my face. But hell no! I won't admit this to P'Off. I am 101% sure if I say ''Yes, P'Off I never went a nightclub. I don't drink. In fact I have never drink.'' he will surely laugh his ass out at me for days. I won't let this tragedy happen!

''No! I have been there. Ok then, let's go there. I am always ready to go there!'' I said
''Good for you! I would have drag you there if you refuse to go there one more time. Now let's get ready!'' P'Off said.
''But! But! I have a question!!'' I said.
''No buts! And what is the question?'' He asked.
''Why do we have to go there?'' I asked crossing my arms.
''Ummm... It's one of my last wishes!'' He replied.

What a weirdo! How come a person's one of the last wishes is to go on a fucking ''nightclub''?!! This is beyond absurd!! I am sure at this rate and after hearing this I am 200% confirm he is out of his mind, no out of this universe! I can't tell this on his face, this will be rude. Ahhh!! Whatever!! Let's give it a go to see what new fortune more like misfortune is coming for me!

''Ohhhh.. Okay..'' I said rolling my eyes.

But what am I going to wear??!! I don't know what to wear in a party. Should I ask him? No, he will laugh at me. But if I wear something inappropriate then he will also laugh at me! Arghhh!! I should ask him, it's the better choice!

''Ummm... But what should I wear?'' I asked lowing my tone looking at the ground.
''Wear something funky. Are you sure have ever been to a nightclub? You sound like you have never went there...'' P'Off said giving me suspicious look.

Oh my God! Oh my God!!! I can't be busted!!

''No!! I have. I was just thinking what to wear... But what about you? Aren't you going to change?'' I quickly asked to change the topic.
''Okay, okay...I believe you! Just get ready now, I will be back in a moment! I will go to my home and change!'' He said and waved his hand. Then, he disappeared into the thin air.

Good for me, now I can search in my closet to see what to wear. Arghhh!! This is annoying!!! Maybe I should take a shower first. Then I will search.

Finally, after a 15 minutes of shower I came out. Now, I am sitting on the ground wearing a towel in front of my closet facing a major problem called ''Lack Of Clothes''. It's not that I don't have enough clothes to wear but I don't have something appropriate to wear in that stupid nightclub. Who can help me to solve this problem? New? Nah... New went outside. Google? Agrhhh... don't be stupid. I just realised most of my clothes are too much simple and normal then I remembered that I am a very civilized person. Why a civilized person like me is now going to a nightclub? I regret my life decisions.

What if I go naked? For a moment, I was actually planning to go naked then I stopped thinking  about this stupid thoughts. Gun! Search!

At last I have found what I should wear. I am now wearing a white tee shirt with a silver hoodie and black skinny ripped jeans. I hope this is fine. And I wasted so much time searching for this, so I won't change it!! Never!! Why am I doing this? I just regret everything now.

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