Part 31

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Third Person POV

Time ran slow after their break. Tay and Arm insisted Off to come to their classroom, as they have a lot to talk with him. At first, Off didn't want to go there but eventually he went to his own classroom with them. As for communication, they wrote on a page and passed it to each other.

''Coming to your classroom after your own death is another type of nostalgia.'' Off thought.

Off was enjoying his time with his friends. But on the other side, Gun's time was running slow. Teachers were not taking classes seriously and New had fall asleep as he practically danced last night after getting his first kiss from Tay. As Gun had nothing to do and their teacher finished their class before the time, his classmates had gone insane because no teacher was there; so he couldn't even read a book. So, he sat there and sighed looking at his watch after every 2 minutes.

Class time ended on it's exact time but Gun felt like an eternity had already passed. Gun woke New up, as New was even drooling while sleeping. As, New promised Tay to go out together after classes, New and Gun rushed to their college gate. Off, Tay and Arm were already standing there waiting for Gun and New. Tay and New bid goodbye as they have their own plans of hangout.

''Peng forgot his friends and chose his boyfriend over us, I am hurt.'' Off said and dramatically placed his hand on his chest, which made Gun laugh. Gun was missing Off and his silly lame jokes.

Arm also left as he had some errands to do, leaving Off and Gun alone. Gun was happy as Arm left them alone because Arm was not there being a third wheel between them.

Arm and OffGun parted their ways and went to their own directions.

Off was telling Gun about what Tay and Arm told him today but with a little bit of overacting. Gun enjoyed listening his lame jokes and laughed hearing it.

Gun's time was going marvellous. Off beside him. They were talking and laughing together. How beautiful their time was going, Gun wished his time would stop now until his one of the worst enemy came. Suddenly, it started to rain. Yes, rain. Gun hates rain. He hates being soaked in the rain like nothing else. Gun cursed rain and his fate under his breath for ruining his beautiful moment with Off. Gun's mood just changed to a really annoyed one.

But, Off loves rain. He always dances in rain whenever he could. How many times he have caught cold and got scolded by his parents for this that Off even forgot to count.

Gun hold Off's hand and started to run. He literally dragged Off to a bus stand shield, so that the rain couldn't touch them anymore.

''Oiiii!!! What are you doing?!'' Off asked as he wanted to dance in the rain.
''Saving lives. I don't want us to catch cold.'' Gun said.
''I am already dead. And nothing severe will happen with this mere rain.'' Off said and pouted.
''Shut up and let's wait here until the rain stops. I don't want us to get wet in the rain.'' Gun said.

''Gun....'' Off said and pouted.
''What?'' Gun asked.
''Let's dance in rain naaa... It's my third wish and you can't say no!'' Off said and pouted.
''But you don't need my help here... I don't want to dance or get wet in the rain. I hate it!'' Gun said and gave a glare.
''You will love it! I promise! Please naaaa! Only one time!!'' Off pleaded.

After a episodes of pleading, Gun finally agreed to Off.

Off offered his hand to Gun. Gun hold his hand and they both walked to the road, where is no bus stand shield.

''But, I don't know how to dance.'' Gun said coldly.
''Just hold my hand. Imagine, there is some sort of music and start to move your body with the rhythm.'' Off answered with a wide grin.

At first Gun was angry at Off but soon he started to enjoy dancing in the rain with him. They were dancing and smiling from ear to ear. Gun felt like a music was actually being played but only for them. Only they could hear it and feel it. They were dancing together with the rhythm of the music with holding each other's hand. Time felt like it was going slower than the usual. The aroma of the wet soil was caught by Gun's nose. Gun was soaking wet but still they continued to dance. They were having their own magical joyful time together. The rain drops felt like washing all worries inside them. Every small little detail of this moment felt like a new experience for Gun. Gun wished to see and feel this mesmerising moment everyday in his remaining life time.

Gun's Dorm

Gun's POV

''Achoooo!!'' I sneezed.

Yeah, I have caught cold. A very bad one I think. Water is running down like a waterfall from my nostrils. After dancing for about God knows how many hours till the rain stopped, we came back to my dorm all soaking wet. I think, I caught this stupid cold from the cold breeze after the rain stopped. My stupid mind and this stupid cold is ruining my life now!

After coming back home, I took a warm shower and changed my clothes. I came straight to my my bed and now I am buried under my blanket. This feels nice.

P'Off also went to take a shower after I came out.

''Achoooo!!'' I sneezed again.

P'Off came out after sometime from shower and he is looking at me now with concerned eyes.
''Gun, don't tell me that you caught cold because of me!'' P'Off said and placed his hand on my forehead.
''Achooo!!'' I sneezed again as a reply.

''My God, Gun!! You are burning now! You have a high fever!'' P'Off said while being panicked.
''I am fine P'. This is nothing serious. I just need to rest.'' I said to make him calm down.
''It's not fine! Ufff!! I shouldn't have told you to dance with me in the rain!'' P'Off said looking all concerned.

''You should take some rest now. I will make something for you to eat.'' P'Off said walking back and forth as he was thinking what to do. I nodded to him.

After a while, he came back with porridge and fever reducer.

(A/N: The fever reducer is obviously a tablet not suppository. Don't run your dirty mind. 😝)

He feed me the porridge and almost forced me to finish it, as I have no taste neither appetite in my mouth, so I just couldn't eat it. I felt like throwing up, P'Off was even ready for that. He was holding a bucket beside him, in case I throw up, which I luckily didn't. I was staring at him the whole time. It's nice to see someone taking care of you when you are sick. I am not used to this kind of treatment, but it felt more than fine.

After I finished eating, he gave the fever reducer. And I swallowed it like a good boy. So, he patted on my head.

''Gun, go to sleep now. I will wipe your head with cold water.'' P'Off said.

I was laying on my bed. My whole body was covered with warm blanket. P'Off kept wiping my head with cold water to reduce my fever. I could see the worry for me in his eyes. He kept doing this for the whole night and slept beside me, when it was already dawn.

Why is he so caring towards me? No one cared for me like this before. All of the things changed for me after he came into my life. This is so good yet all of this is temporary. He will leave me one day. I can't get used to it even if I want to. I have to except my fate and let him go.

P'Off is sleeping beside me now. I am feeling much better now as he literally spent his whole night taking care of me. I placed a kiss on his temple and whispered ''P'Off, thank you for everything. Thank you for taking care of me, like no one else did. I know, this feeling I am having towards you is not right but I just can't stop it. The feeling is like time stops for me whenever you are around and I feel happier when I am with you. I think I like you P'Off. I like you very much. But I can't confess to you, what if you leave me after knowing this... This will all eventually fade away just like you after a month, when you will leave me all alone by myself.....'' A silent tear fell from my eye.

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