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~~~Sakura's POV~~~

I woke up to the sound of laughing. Then I realize I'm in someone's arms.

While I was focused on this I miss what the one who's holding me says but it wasn't that important right now. What was, was the excruciating pain I was in.

"Arg. Shit." I groan out between gritted teeth.

"Sakura are you okay?" Asks Sasuke

"No Baka. I'm fine..." I say hissing at the end

"Haha good so you want some ramen?" He asks knowing I was being sarcastic before

"Ugh. Don't mention ramen for a while. I can still taste it from all the times Naruto and me went after a mission success." I say gagging at the thought of the famous noodles

"Haha okay. I've got to go, but I'll visit. From what I hear your leader sent a temporary alliance treaty. So you'll be coming to Konoha soon." he says and hands me to Itachi

"Now if he hurts you let me know I'll kick his ass." He says and ends his sentence with a wink

"What's with the eye trick?" I ask but I'm really just picking at him

"Nothing. see ya later. Goodbye Nīsan." He waves goodbye as Itachi nods

"Let's get you back to the base." He says cradling me close

"Yeah." I say still tired

"Get some rest. It will take time anyway." Says Itachi

"But-" I start

"No buts. It's okay." He interrupts

"Okay." I say and drift off
Time skip
~~~Pain's POV~~~

"How is she?" I ask Konan

"She's fine, she just needed rest." She answers

"Why did Madara attack her like that! What's he up to?" I ask to no one angrily

"I don't know but it was bold." She says

If he hurts her or does anything to her period.

I will kill him
~~~Sakura's POV~~~

I was having a dream of my father and mother

Of what it would have been like if they were here and then I feel as if a block was released from my mind

"Sakura...we love you."

"I'm your big brother. I'm always going to be with you. To keep you safe..."

"Sakura...I'm sorry. I didn't keep my promise...remember I'll always love you."

"She can't know any of this her family, her kekkei genkai, anything. Erase it, Inoichi."

When the flashbacks stop I feel tingling behind my eyes.

"They lied to me. I did know them, well my brother I was just a baby when mom and dad died. But still-"

"Sakura! Are you okay? We heard a crash and you scream!" Says Itachi

"Yeah, was there a spider or something in your room,un?" I hear deidara say

I turn around and they freeze

"No I don't know what happened. There was flashbacks or something."

"When did you get that then?" Asks Pain-Sama

"Get what?" I ask

"Your Sharingan..." says Itachi

"Nani!!!" I yell then go into my bathroom and look in the mirror

"Oh my Kami..."

'The Sharingan!'
Thank you for reading. And I have good news maybe.

I'm writing another book.

Now before you go oh god not another. Wait.

It's my own book. Meaning oc-characters. So it's not another Sakura fanfic or Sasuke.

It's set after the first Great War and before the second Great War.

I'll be posting the prologue later today.

I hope you like it!!!

Anyway bye!!! 🌸🌸🌸

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