What do I do?

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Disclaimer: don't own Naruto :'(
~~~Sakura's POV ~~~

I've been running for 3 hours now and still don't know who to trust or who to go to. It's been 2 days since I left the village. Left Sasuke...left Naruto...left Kakashi-sensei...left Konoha.

"Stop! Thinking about them will just disturb your concentration." I say snapping out of my thoughts


"..." I stop an pull out a kunai, "who's there?"

"Haha, like a ninja is gonna answer that like, 'oh it's just me, Frank.' haha-" said the unknown male


"You don't have to laugh." I deadpanned

"Haha I guess you're right little girl" he says while still laughing


"Whatever...just tell me who you are." I say getting sick of the stranger

"Kisame Hoshigaki...and you Sakura Haruno are supposed to come with me." says the now dubbed Kisame

"The Kisame of the Akatsuki! Why do you want me?!" I say scared if I going to be used against Konoha

"You trained under Tsunade, and as such known as the best medic nin under herself, of course."

"Me..." I say cautiously

'If I'm that good why didn't they want me.."

'They just don't know how awesome we are!' Yelled Inner

"Yeah you! Are ya deaf kiddo?" He says as treating me like a child

"It's just they dubbed me as weak and useless so I left..." I say a little sadness slipping into my tone

"Wow...Really! I knew Konoha was stupid, but I didn't think they were that stupid!" He says with a shocked expression overruling his features

"Well would you like to join the Akatsuki? What ya say, kiddo?"
He says with confidence while I'm in uncertainty

"Well..." i start but get interrupted

"What you wanna stay alone or want to go back? In the Akatsuki you have people that need and want you there! What do you have in Konoha?" He says completely serious as if concerned for my future heartaches but it's probably just my imagination

"You're right...Kisame of the Akatsuki, I accept your generous offer." I say with finality laced in my tone

"Haha...no need to be so formal, call me Kisame." he says with a grin

And weirdly I grin back at him, feeling like I am needed and think of the training I could get from them an get even stronger

"Haha okay Kisame, you can call me Sakura." I say testing his name on my tongue

"Haha I like callin' ya kiddo." he says turning around to walk where he came from

"Humph, whatever let's just go."

"Okay...kiddo." He says smiling

"Kisame---" I say with an ick mark making it appearance on my forehead
~~~Pein's POV~~~

I hear 3 knocks and faintly hear "Leader-sama" from the other side

"Come in."

After a second the door opens and I see Kisame and a small pink-headed girl behind him enter slowly.


Kisame bows, but what catches me off guard is the girl called Sakura bows as well

'This will be interesting..'

"Leader-sama, I have brought Sakura Haruno as requested and she has joined willingly." says Kisame

"Ah, Sakura has joined willingly?" I'm surprised but I want to test her

"Yes, Leader-sama I have, Konoha said I have no more use, so I left." She says with full respect

'No use? Isn't she the second strongest Kunoichi in Konoha?'

"No use?"

"Yes Leader-sama, that's why I left I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life in ridicule and uselessness." she says with such fire, in her words and eyes

"I will be the one to see if you are as useless as they say."

"Hai, Leader-sama."

'This shall be intriguing.' he thinks as he mentally smirks at her show of respect towards him and her obedience
~~~Kisame's POV~~~

She battled everyone of us and did so well against us, that I'm starting to think Konoha is retarded she barely has a scratch on her and she fought S-ranked criminals, at once, with barely breaking a sweat! Not to mention she destroyed our training area with one final punch!

"I think I'm gonna like you, kiddo." I say looking at her beside me

"Thanks Kisame!" She says with a heart-warming smile

Yeah I'm gonna like her being around

That's it hope ya liked it :)

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Thank you, otaku-chan out

Don't call me that! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now