Bad Dream

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~No PoV~     10 years in the future

There was a beautiful woman sitting under a cherry blossom tree and singing a song. Her face was young and her skin looked like it felt like silk. Her voice was as soft as a summer rain and her hair was long. She wore a beautiful robe and had gorgeous accessories in her hair. She looked like she was thinking of something while she sang. Maybe she's looking for a lover or a friend? Her face scrunched and she seemed to be in pain, but from what? She had no wounds that anyone could see and she was still singing, but the wind covered any hint to the lyrics. A stray tear leaves her eye and she appears lost.

She looks out across the meadow and a crow catches her eyes flying in the sky.

~Sakura's POV~

I'm running from an enemy. They almost caught me, but I punched them and ran in the opposite direction. I turn around knowing I can't run forever and I see Sasuke.

"You're weak," he starts " and you can't live up to team seven's glory. We should have kicked you off the team when we had the chance as genin." He draws his blade and lightning shoots up from the hilt to the top of the blade.

I'm shocked he actually feels this way. What is wrong with him?

"Where is this coming from? Sa-" kunai drawn... He rushes me, his sharingan blazing

I wake up.

"Sakura?" A sleepy voice behind my head says and I feel arms around me

"Itachi?" Looking around the room for danger , but finding none I calm down and relaxing in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Tightening his arms around me he peers over my shoulder

"Yeah it was just a bad dream." I hope I convince him to drop it, but I know better

"Sakura..." leaving silence in the air for me to fill

"I mean it. I'm fine just go back to sleep." Not really wanting to explain it was his brother in the nightmare

"Then why were you screaming at Sasuke?"

Dammit. He sounded almost disappointed, but doesn't let go of me

"I didn't realize I had. He was chasing me and trying to kill me. I woke up before he could..." There was no point in lying and it's easier to tell him everything than to make him pull it out of me.

He's quiet. I look back at him out of the corner of my eye and see him thinking, and a hint of sadness in his eyes. Turning around and adjusting hisself to the new position.

"I'm not scared of Sasuke, or you, or the sharingan. I'm not sure why I had that dream and I should go talk to sasuke about it. Maybe it will stop them from happening again." He doesn't seem so sure, but his kisses my forehead and hugs me

"Alright darling. I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's go back to sleep." Cuddling into his side it takes me no time to fall asleep again

~Sasuke's POV~

There's a loud banging at my door. Getting up I throw on a shirt and answer the door to see Sakura.

"Hey?" I growl out taking in her appearance. She looks fidgety

"Hey Sasuke! Sorry to wake you up, do you mind if we have a chat?" Smiling but I know somethings off

"Sure." I invite her in and take a seat at the table she heads to my cabinet. I make a move to get up, but she hold her hand up in a "stop" motion

"Do you want jasmine or green?" She asks

"Green." What are you doing here for tea?

She sets the glasses down and sits across from me
"Do you think I'm weak Sasuke?" She asks while taking a sip

Which interrupts mine "what! No! Where is this coming from?"

"I don't know I guess I'm still insecure about how I used to be as a genin and my dreams are getting the best of me." Waving me off the subject, but I don't get off the topic

"What dreams?" Looking at her face to give me a hint

"Oh well..." she goes on and explains to me what happened in the dream, how it felt, and what I said before looking up from her cup to my face

"You're pretty silly, you know that?" Laughing a little

"Well I just wanted to check!" Her face easing into a smile

"Well if you need to check again you know where to find me. Now try and forget that stupid dream." Standing up and walking around to her side. She stands and goes for a handshake, but I give her a (awkward) hug

"Woah! When did this start?" She says laughing next to my ear

"Shut up." I mutter smiling.

"Now get out of my house. Naruto is coming over and I need to get ready." Shoving her towards the door and handing her jacket to her

"Alright. Bye Sasuke!" Waving as she jumps away.


Don't call me that! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now