The flower's secret

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Sorry for the late update!!!
~~~ Sasuke's POV~~~

"It's your mother's sharingan and it has chakra seals large enough for three years." I tell her

'I hope she doesn't find the tracker I put in it...' I think and miss what she said but she reassures me she's fine and I take my leave knowing I can find her wherever in the world with that necklace on.

"Now, how to tell everyone she's okay without them wanting to see themselves." I think out loud

I hear a twig snap and look to my left kunai ready

"Itachi!!!" I say

"Hn. Little brother..." He says walking out of the foliage with his partner in tow

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask not lowing my guard in case he makes a scene

"What's he talking 'bout 'Tachi?" His partner asks

He looks at him and then back to me and I make a lie to cover his skin to show I know and want answers later

"The Uchiha clan stone." I answer

"Stone? What stone?" He asks me since I'm talking

"It has the history of the Uchiha and with him telling me to always get stronger, you'd think he'd tell me the best way to do so.." I say while I glance at Itachi and he's dumbstruck

"Sasuke..." he says barely above a whisper

"Is that true, Itachi?" Asks his Akatsuki partner

"Hn." He all he says, but his companion takes it as a yes

"Well, kid I guess he wanted for you to figure it out, he can't give you all the secrets." He says

"Are you going to fight me?" Asks Itachi

"No. It would be foolish to challenge you when I'm clearly not even half ready." I answer and I swear to kami his jaw dropped

'That was my imagination, right?'

"Eh~~!!!! You broke Itachi!" Yells his partner

"..." With his jaw STILL dropped, he just turns around and goes towards a tree and sits down in deep thought

"If this keeps happening I'm going to take him to a doctor..." says the other male in the vicinity that's not an Uchiha

"Keeps?" I ask

"Yeah, cherry blossom broke him earlier..." he says as were both standing side by side watching what him

"Flower?!" I ask and he turns his head towards me

"Flower? What's with the nickname?" He asks in a, dare I say, protective tone.

"Yeah, I gave her that nickname a long time ago. What's with yours?"
I ask him suddenly regretting leaving her in the hands of them

"Drinking partners, your brother won't drink with me." He says

"Oh..." I say, then I realize I'm causally talking with an S-ranked criminal and my brother's Akatsuki partner like I'm talking to a comrade.

But before the conversation can go any further Itachi shoots up an looks at the man beside me

"We have to go Kisame... Now." he says and they both turn

"Hey! What's up with you!" I yell at his receding back

"A certain 'flower' is in danger." he answers

"Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have left her!" I say without thinking

"What?" They both ask simultaneously

"Urm..i said..."

"You were with her!" Yells now dubbed Kisame

"Yeah, she's my teammate and like a sister to me! I had to make sure she was safe!" I yell again no filter over my mouth

"So you knew and you didn't say anything?" Asks Itachi mostly to himself

"Yeah, but that's not important, what danger is Sakura in?" I ask frantically

"Madara is with her." says Kisame then covers his mouth eyes wide while my brother glare at him

"What the hell, then come on!" I say running full speed back to her location

"You're not coming..." says Itachi while we're ninja jumping

"Yes I am! If he's after her then it could be because..." but I cut myself that time but not in time

"Because what?" He asks

I look at them then they shock me for the second time that night

"We know..." they say at the same time again

"When?! How?!" I yell

"How do you know?"

"I gave her the file and helped her escape. How do you know?"

"I left my crow." Itachi answers

"Crow?" Thinking of when he had crows as summons and I kept seeing the same crow that used to fly over Konoha all the time

'Could that been Itachi? Nah, probably not...' I think

"Hn. Come on he's getting to close for comfort." He says and we double it.
~~~Sakura's POV~~~

I wake up when I hear something fall over

"The file!" I hear someone say

'Who the hell...' I think

'Keep up the charade and when they get close enough, bam dead! Cha!' yells Inner

'Good idea!' I think then listen

"So you're an might be of use after all.." He says then stays over towards that side of the room before slowly walking towards me

"She even wears a sharingan around her neck." he says and I jump up and punch the intruder

"Shannaro!!" I yell and he goes flying


"Sakura!!!" I look over and have to do a double-take

"Sasuke!!!! Guys!!! What are you doing here!!!" I yell

"We were in our way back when I got an alert from my crow, then we bumped into Sasuke on our way." answers Itachi

"Oh. I thought you'd be home. And you two be here later." I say

"Yeah. Wel-" but before Kisame can continue the mystery man fazes behind me and kicks me. Hard.

"Sakura/Flower!!!" I hear them scream but feel someone catch me, well more like two someone's

"Sasuke...Itachi..." I say and go unconscious
~~~Madara's POV~~~

"She's weak, but she could be of some use." I say

"Go to hell!" Yells the younger brother of the two holding the 'new' member of the family

"Haha, in due time." I say and ninja faze out of there without a trace

"Let's see what you do Sakura... Uchiha..."
Sorry for not updating in forever but my wattpad wasn't working right an deleted my story that I saved before and I got a new phone

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