I dont wanna go back! And a Raven's confession?

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A/N at the end
~Sakura's pov ~

This sucks! I don't wanna go back!!!!
I mean... what if they start talking shit again? What if they stare at me with those hateful looks? Or...

"Hey. What's wrong?" I hear beside me. Looking over I see its Itachi

"Nothing..." I say putting on my best fake smile but he sees right through me.

He grabs my wrist and walks a little slower and suddenly we're in the back of the group. (They're all traveling right now except Pein and Konan who went ahead)

"I'm actually hurt you would think that would trick me! Now tell me what's wrong...please." He says with an unreadable expression on his face

"What if...what if when I go back it be the same as before..." I say looking down ashamed that it affects me so much


"That's it..." He snorts before chuckling

"Huh?!" I exclaim

"Sakura... You are the most beautiful, fierce, smart and intimidating girl I've ever met. And you're scared that some nobody's are gonna be jealous of what you've got and they wish they had?" He explains

"But some of them are way prettier and-" I start but I get cut off by his lips

"Please, they have to put you down before feeling better about themselves. So please don't say such things about the woman I love..." He confesses

"Wh..what d..id you j..ust s...say?!" I stutter thinking I didn't hear the last part correctly

He just smiles the brightest I've ever seen

"I said...'don't say such things about the  woman I love...'" He repeats slowly so I can process

"But why..why confess now?!" I insist

"Because I realized that you made my world brighter and you made me feel again! And I almost lost that two weeks ago! I almost lost you! And for once in my life I'm gonna be selfish, even though you deserve better, I need you!" He announces

"..." He loves me!

"S..sakura? Say something..!" He stammers

"I love you too!!!" I reassure and then hug his chest while a few happy tears leak out

"Thank kami!" He mumbles, whilst putting his arms around my smaller frame, but i hear him anyway and giggle when I look up he's blushing

"Come on we have to catch up with the others!" He practically yells while still blushing Crimson

"Hai!!!" I shout catching up to the rest

But before I even jump on the first branch I feel his fingers lace between mine

And I smile.
No one's pov

"I have made an alliance with the Akatsuki and they're already on their way when they get her I'll assign where they will be staying. You will not attack or or even speak to any of them upon arrival! Is that understood?!" Yells Tsunade

"Hai!!!" Shouts backs Konoha 9 and team Taka

"That includes Sakura!" She adds

"But Lady Ts-!" Exclaims Naruto

"No buts Naruto!!! They last thing we need is pissing them off!" She yells

"Just...give her time to heal..." She whispers softly it hurts her too that Sakura most likely won't want anything to do with them.

"Hai..." Replies Naruto sounding defeated

Thank you guys so much for loving not this story even though it sucks!

You guys deserve so much more but that's all I can squeeze out tonight...

But this weekend I'm gonna try and write every day so you guys will have something to read.

Speaking of something to read... I have two new books on my profile one isn't mine but it was too good not to be on this website! It's called God of Lightning and I absolutely loved it so maybe you will too it's a SasuSaku AU!!

Thank you for reading and voting


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