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"Heather get up and get dressed before you're late for school!" I responded with a groan and rolled out of bed. lately I haven't been in the best mood and it's been very evident. Everyone's been trying to get me in a better mood but nothing's working. between the situation with Blake and Aadarien hardly speaking to me, you would think he'd make more of an effort to see me since we live so close to each other. I stretched and walked to the bathroom, I opened the door turned on the light and went to start the water. I waited till it was the temperature I wanted then stepped in. the water felt so good against my skin. I took a deep breath and relaxed as the water pounded against my skin, I closed my eyes continuing to enjoy my shower when I felt a pair of hands grab me, I gasped and my eyes flew open I looked around but no one was there, this has been happening for the past month every since the incident with Blake. I've been having these weird sudden images of him appear or I'll feel someone's presence when I'm alone and its really been eating me up I've been contemplating on telling my mom but I'm still scared of what her reaction will be. She seems like she's really happy and I don't want to ruin that but my safety is way more important right?
I walked through the halls on my way to class and spotted Aadarrien by his locker, I made my way over to him but stopped mid stride when I saw Simone approach him. She gave him a hug and they chatted for a little bit, I couldn't hear what they were saying but I do notice Aadarrien looked a little agitated so I made my way over to them anyway.

"Hey babe" I said giving him a hug. I looked over at Simone and she rolled her eyes. I ignored her and looked back at Aadarrien, he took a step back and scratched the back of his head. "Um hey heather, what's up" he looked away from me and twisted his hair with his finger.

"Everything good? Cause you haven't been calling me or coming over in a while." I waited for him to respond but he just glanced over at Simone who had a smirk on her face.

I turned to Simone "Can you give us some privacy. I really don't see why you're still standing here." She looked at aadarrien before turning to me. "Sure, no problem. I'll see you later aadarrien." She blew a kiss and winked at him before walking away.

She walked with an extra switch flipping her hair over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes and turned to aadarrien but noticed him watching Simone walk away. "Uh hello, I'm over here." I said while snapping my fingers in his face. The nerve of him how could he stand here and watch another female while I'm standing right in front of him.

"It's nothing." He sighed before reached for me but I stepped back. "Don't lie to me A you're looking at another girl as if I'm not even standing here. That's mad disrespectful." He sucked his teeth and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Look you over exaggerating there's nothing to worry about all I did was glance at her." He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head so I was looking at him. "You're the only girl I'm checking for." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. His smile gets me every time.

"Alright I believe you, I just hope you're not lying to me." The bell rang signaling us to go to class. He pulled me into his chest and leaned down to kiss me. "I'm not baby girl..I promise." I smiled and gave him one last kiss before heading off to class.
I watched heather walk to class and waited until she turned the corner before pulling out my phone. I scrolled though my contacts until I came to Simone's contact, I shot her a quick text telling her to meet me by the staircase. After sending the text I made my way over to the staircase sat down waiting for her. A few minutes later she came.

"Hi baby." She said walking over to me with open arms. I smiled and got up to give her a hug. "What's up." I wrapped my arms around her waist and let my hands slowly travel to her butt gripping it. She giggled and buried her face in my neck. "Stop Aadarrien." I laughed and pulled away.

"So what's the move for tonight?" She sat in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. "It's whatever you wanna do ma." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and sighed. "We could go to the movies. I've been wanting to see that new movie that came out a few weeks ago." I thought about it for a minute.

"Nah I'm not ready to go out just yet. We could watch movies and kick it at my crib." I suggested. I'm not trying to be seen out in public with Simone just yet, I hardly take heather out on dates and she's my girl. Not only that we live right across the street from each other so I'm sure she'd see me leave the house.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on aadarrien you said we could do what I wanted and this is what I want." She rubbed my ear while kissing my cheek, she knows I like having my ear rubbed it's something my mom always did to relax me when I were younger. "How about we save that for next time ok? But tonight we'll kick it at my crib." She huffed "fine whatever but on to more important things."

"Speak. What's on your mind." I looked at her waiting for her response. "Heather." She started I sucked my teeth and shifted my position causing her to stand up. "Suck your teeth all you want aadarrien but we're going to have to talk about this sooner or later." She said putting her hand on her hip.

I looked away "Well can it be later cause I'm really not in the mood to talk about this."

"Well when are you ever in the mood to talk about it. It's been three whole months aadarrien." I turned away from her but she grabbed my face turning it back to her.

She knelt down looking at me. "I'm tired of being your little secret aadarrien. It's not fair to me." I shook my head.

"It's not fair to heather either." She threw her hands up. "Oh shut up. Now you care about heather and how she feels, you didn't care about none of that when we started this whole thing so why do you care now?" 

"Because she's my girlfriend!" I said raising my voice. "So what am I aaddarien! I'm not just going to continue to be the 'side line' you better make up your mind and fast."

I sucked my teeth fanning her away. "Man gone on with that." She smirked "I'll put it this way. I'm giving you till the end of the month."

"End of the month for what?" I gave her the side eye. "To tell heather about us."

"Man that's some bull. We already half way through the month right now,that's giving me little to no time." I said agitated. "Sounds like a personal problem to me. Either you tell her or I will, see you tonight baby." She kissed me before standing up and turning to walk away.

"Simone" I called after her. She continued walking "Simone I know you hear me calling you." She still didn't turn around. I ran my hand through my hair frustrated. I really should've thought this thing through man.
Sorry it's short I just wanted to put something out since I wasn't busy.
Comment and let me know what you think :)
Tell me what I should add or what would make the story better.
I'm gonna change shakeira's name to heather permanently to save confusion.

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