Ch. 1

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I woke up the next morning in so much pain. I heard some light snoring and looked next to me and noticed that it was just my brothers and my older sister Nicole, oh yea I forgot to mention we share the same room and bed luckily it's a king sized one, while my brothers, my sister and I sleep in here my mother and Blake sleep in the other. I got up to check on Brian then I walked to my mother's bedroom and put my ear to the door to make sure her and Blake weren't awake, thankfully they weren't so I walked to the bathroom. I flicked on the light and I dang near scared myself, I had a black eye, busted lip, and scars all down my arms, ugh I'm really getting tired of this but what can I do. I can't tell my mom cause she won't believe me, like what am I going to say? "hey mom I'm sorry to tell you this but your boyfriend is abusing me and tries to rape me from time to time", she'd be crushed and I just can't do that to her. Blake has been the only man my mother has been in an intimate relationship with since she found out that our dad was having an affair with another woman.


I woke up in the middle of the night and had to use the bathroom, so I tiptoed quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone up. On my way back to my room I overheard my parents arguing, I thought about whether I should go back to bed or go see what's going on, I decided to go see what they were fussing about. I hid behind the wall and was careful not to make a sound.

Mom: where were you Anthony? Huh? Answer me!

Dad: can we not talk about this right now... I'm not in the mood right now.

Mom: naw lets talk about it right now, you always come in here at the wee hours of the morning –

Dad: so... what's your point?

Mom: so? What do you mean so... you always do this to me, you leave without telling me where you're going, and I'm left alone with four kids all day, I'm sitting here worried sick about you because I don't know if you're safe or not and if that's not enough you come home smelling like sex and cheap perfume. Are you cheating on me?

My dad didn't answer

Mom: well are you

My dad looked away but my mom grabbed his face and turned it back to her

Mom: dammit Anthony answer me! Are you cheating or not!

Dad: yes

Mom: how long has this been going on?

Dad: after you had Shaun but look bab-

He couldn't even finish his sentence before my momma slapped him across his face

Mom: get out...GET OUT NOW!!

I jumped a little when I heard her yell; I've never seen my mom so upset before. My dad walked out and slammed the door on his way out, my mom sat on the the couch and just cried the rest of the night. I slowly walked back to my room and crawled in bed with the rest of my siblings regretting the fact that I even decided to be nosey in the first place.

Flashback over

Every since then we never saw our dad again and my mom went into depression, It was so bad the doctors thought she was suicidal and they threatened to take us away from her. weeks later she found out she was pregnant with Brian and decided to get herself together, after she had Brian she met Blake her knight and shining armor I guess and she's been head over heels in love with him every since, even though our mom was struggling Blake was our only real source of income at the time, that is until he moved in our already small apartment and got a little too comfortable and decided to quit his job which meant my mom brought in all the money. Even that little bit of money wasn't enough for us to live off of. Shaun and Nicole tried to get jobs but nobody wanted to hire them, so they had no choice but to live off our mom and the little bit of chump change she does have. Anyway I did my hygiene and grabbed my makeup palette and covered up my bruised eye and tried to cover up my busted lip the best that I could before walking into the kitchen to make breakfast. My mother walked in holding Brian and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Mom: goodmorning sweetie.

"Morning momma"

Mom: how'd you sleep?

"Ehh it couldve been better. more room wouldve been nice though"

my momma frowned and looked at me making me feel guilty for what i just said.

Mom: Heather i understand that you and your siblings want your own rooms and a bigger home but right now i just cant afford it. im trying hard though, i got some money saved up for us and when i get enough we'll move into a bigger house.

my mother is the only one who calls me by my middle name. she gave me a hopeful smile.

"i know momma, i understand."

Mom: did you get those scars?

i mentally slapped myself for forgeting to put on a long sleeve shirt or at least cover up

"Oh its nothing momma, theyre old..i forgot how i got them anyway."

Mom: you sure those look fresh.

"yes momma im positive, dont worry about me im good."

Mom: mmmhm, alright i guess i believe you.

she gave me one last hug and went to go put Brian back in his crib. Then i heard footsteps again, i thought it was my mom so i didnt bother turning around.

"Momma do you want cheese on your eggs?"

when i realized who answered i rolled my eyes.

Blake: naw i dont like cheese on my eyes.

"i dont think i asked you, i asked my momma."

he walked up behind me and leaned foward putting his lips on my ear and he whispering so no one else could hear

Blake: Look here girl, when i tell you to do something you do it. and im sick of yo lil slick mouth, watch who you talking to. dont wait till you in a house full of people to toughen up.

he backed up and my mother walked in.

Mom: is everything ok in here?

Blake: yea babe i was just telling Heather how i like my eggs.

i rolled my eyes, this man has got to be kidding me. my momma nodded her head gave Blake a kiss and walked off, Blake waited until he heard her room door close and walked up behind me again.

Blake: just remember that i always run the show.

he grinned then backed away when he heard a room door open.

Mom: Blake when youre done in the kitchen can you in come here and keep me company?

Blake: yea babe, in a minute im just getting something to drink.

he went and made himself a glass of orange juice and was about to walk out, but not before he slaps my ass.

Blake: oh yea i want those eggs sunny side up.

he laughed as he made his way back into the room that he and my mom share.

ugh im really getting tired of this i thought to myself as i finished breakfast and started making plates.


Picture of heather on the side

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