Ch. 14

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~4 months later~
" Yo chill you cheating!" I shouted at Janel while laughing. We were in Shaun's room playing nb2k, I honestly don't know how to play this game which is crazy since I'm really into sports. " nah you're just mad because you don't know what you're doing" she said giggling. a lot has happened these past four months, My mom is doing good on her job and she even got a promotion which means she's bringing in way more cash. Nicole and Mike are doing great in basketball, they even have a couple scholarships under their belts now. As for Shaun he's currently at basic training for the navy, I'm really proud of him. he was nervous about it at first and so was everybody else but our mom said that if he didn't get a job then he would have to do something to better his life or bring in money since he was way to old to still be depending on her. I'm not going to lie I really miss my big brother, I miss annoying him and calling him names but he should be back soon since his basic training last about two months.
"Alright I'm done, shoot I'm sick of losing." I told Janel. She smirked and went to turn the console off. " you're such a sore loser man." she says shaking her head. 'mhmm whatever man, I'm bout to order some pizza you want a box?' I asked "yea get me cheese..extra cheese." I nodded my head as I dialed the number. As for me and addarien were good, we've been together for about 5 months and I must say he seems like the whole package but he has his moments when his real distance and doesn't want to be around me. We're suppose to be going out later on so maybe I'll talk to him about it and see where his head is at.

"I can't wait to see you later on babe." Simone said trying to sound seductive. "yea, I guess man...ill see you soon." I hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed. I know yall probably pissed that I'm talking to her but let me explain. At Simone's party a while back we slept together, no I wasn't drunk, she didn't drug me or anything none of that crazy stuff, I did it on my own. it's not something I'm proud of but I can't take it back either, I do regret doing it but hey it is what it is at this point. we've been messing around, or secretly dating whatever you want to call it, for about four months now and Heather has no idea. I'm not gonna say that I love shakeira it's way to early in our relationship for that but I do have a "very strong" liking for her which is why I haven't dumped her yet but it's just something about Simone that attracts me to her. I'm suppose to be taking heather out later on but I might just cancel cause I really just wanna chill with Simone. I don't know ill figure it out later, right now I'm bout to wash up and head out with mike.


"Alright I'm about to clear it since it getting late and you have a date to get ready foorrrr", Janel teased. I laughed "whatever man, let me go wash but lock the front door on your way out." I said while putting my bra in my arm and closing the drawer, "k night big head" she slap my arm before leaving. I walked in the bathroom and turned on the shower I stuck my hand under the water testing how hot the water was before getting inside. the hot water hit my body and it felt so good, I washed up and stepped out the shower I dried my hair and body and put on my under clothes. I walked out the bathroom and went to plug up the flat irons since I knew it would take time for them to heat up. I laid out my outfit before heading over to the mirror to start on my hair, I sat on the edge of the bed and unwrapped the towel from around my head. it took a almost an hour to flat iron it but hey beauty takes time, I don't wear makeup so I just put on some lipgloss and mascara. I reached back to pick up my pants when the door swung open.

"Babe I'm caught in traffic right now so I probably won't be home for another hour or so." Tasha said, she's on her way home from work but I see there was a change in plans. "it's fine babe." I heard a bunch of horns honking before she said anything. "ok but Nicole is with her friend, mike is at the court and I think heather," I perked up when I heard her name, "is still at the house with you right?" I opened the door and walked down the hall. I put my ear to the door and heard her and some girl, I think her name is Janice, talking so I walked back to the room. "yea they're still here" I said rolling a blunt. "alright I'll be there soon and I think she's goin out with her boyfriend tonight so -" "WHAT! When did she get a boyfriend? Who is he?" I shouted, I was so upset, how could she get a boyfriend. she doesn't need one, she should be with me I'm what's best for her. i heard tasha giggle but I didn't find anything funny " Blake his name is addarien, he's been at the house a few times they've been dating for about five months now." my blood boiled hearing this, she's been seeing someone else and I didn't know about it. it got quiet on the phone for a seconds and I heard more honking horns, I guess traffic was moving. i heard Janice or whatever her name is tell heather that she was leaving, a minute later I heard the door close. I smirked to myself " babe you said you'll be home in an hour right?" "Yep, is everything alright?" "Yea everything's fine I'm just making sure, but I'll see you when you get here." I didn't wait for her to respond I just hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed. I put the blunt out and walked down to shakeira's room, I didn't bother knocking I just walked in and to my surprise I saw her with nothing but a bra and panties. she looked scared and I licked my lips. "hey baby girl." "what the hell are you doing in here, get out." she said slowly getting up "now is that anyway to greet me baby." I closed the door and walked closer to her, she she backed up. "stop calling me that, and get out I'm not gonna say it again." I took another step to her and she took one back, each step I took to her she took another back. At this point she was stuck I had her cornered in between the bed and dresser. I smiled at the look of fear on her face, "aw your scared aren't you." I pushed a strand of hair out of her face and she flinched. "please..please leave I have somewhere to go." when she said that I got angry, " you going out with your little boyfriend huh." she just stared "he's no good for u Hev, he can't treat you like I can, he's not a real man." she shook her head. "just let me show what a real man is babe." I reached for her and she slapped my hand away. "you're disgusting." she spat , that really hurt me but it made furious at the same time.
Blake looked at me and I could tell he was angry but u didn't care. I'm a little girl and he's here confessing his love to me at this point I was scared. he tries to touch me and I slapped his hand away, he looked at me and walked away. 'thank god' I thought and took a sigh of relief. Blake stopped at the door and pulled off his shirt, what is he doing. I stared to panic, he turned around and the look on his face sent chills down my body. I wanted to run but I couldn't, it's like my body froze. He started to unbuckle his pants, "I'm gonna show you what a real man looks like." he stepped out his jeans. I opened my mouth to say something but the words just wouldn't come out. " come to daddy baby." he smiled and hit the lights, he ran towards me grabbed me and threw me on the bed. I tried to run but he drug me back by my ankles, he climbed on top of me and pulled off my bra while kissing on my neck I screamed and he punched me in the face. "shut the hell up, you wouldn't be screaming if that little punk was all over you." I cried and begged him to stop but he didn't listen. he continued to leave sloppy wet kisses all over my body and occasionally biting some areas. I felt so dirty and worthless, all I could think about was why did this have to happen to me, I was in daze until he ripped my panties off. I was hysterical at this point. "please don't, please I'm begging you." i tried to close my legs but he pulled them open. "quit moving." he shouted and punched me in the face. I tried to speak but he rammed into me and I let out a gut wrenching scream. "didn't I tell your ass to shut up, guess I'll just have to get you quiet myself". the last thing I remember is that sinister grin on his face, everything else was a blur.
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Simone in the MM

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