Chapter 2

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"I've missed this." Tessa sighs. "Me too. We should do this more often." I admit with a bright smile. "I know. I neglected you since I moved in with Tom." She admits softly. "A little yeah." I chuckle. "But I'm a big girl. I'll survive." I joke to ease Tessa's blue mood.

"I know. You're the strongest person I've ever met!" She tells me with honesty. "It's just a chield Tessa, nothing more." I wink at her. "Maybe, but I know you for five years now, and it seems nothing can touch you. Even guys can't seduce you properly." She chuckles. "It's not my fault I haven't found my true match." I shrug with a massive grin on my face.

"That guy you were dating a few weeks ago. He was totally into you. Not to mention freaking hot! I still can't believe you let him walk!" Tessa squealed in shock. "He was nice and handsome, but I didn't feel more when I was with him. The sex was amazing, but it was nothing more than passion." I explain to her with honesty.

"When are you going to open up to someone? You're twenty-three now. You don't want to stay alone your entire life, aren't you?" Tessa asked me with a sly smile. I frown at her question. I know Tessa only wants what's best for me, but she doesn't know my past. She doesn't know the boy I loved broke my heart in a thousand pieces. If I need to be honest, I never recovered from it. Especially with guys, I have a hard time trusting someone.

Tessa sees my mood changing, and she brushes with her hand over mine. "I know someone must have hurt you badly, and I understand why you don't want to talk about it, but do know I'm here for you, okay?" She tells me silently. "Thanks, Tessa. When the time is right, I'll tell you everything." I tell her firmly. She nods and turns her attention toward the server that stopped in front of our table.

It's been a long time since he crossed my mind, but Tessa's question made me think of him again. The past I wanted to keep hidden from her, but most of all from myself. I don't want to speak his name out loud. He's dead to me, buried with all the memories. I have built myself a new life here in Arizona. The hardest part is to live away from my parents.

When I was running my internship here in Arizona, the head of the institution Child Care wanted to hire me as soon as I succeeded in my education. Tessa who's studied as a nurse also wanted to work with children. We got so lucky they wanted to hire me and Tessa at the same time. So we settled ourselves here in Arizona. It's not too far from Oregon, but I still need a plane to travel to my parents.

Cody lives in Oregon a few blocks from my parent's house. It's a relief to know he's there when my parents need help. Once a month I travel to them to spend some time with my family. The bond with my brother grew stronger after the whole Michael situation. And now we're closer than ever. Cody calls me two times a week when he has time. He works at the local Gardner. Cody hated to study, and now he's planning on taking over the business of his old boss. Cody works so hard to accomplish his goals. He had a lot of girlfriends during the years, but it never lasts. He never found the one, just like me.

"What can I get for you?" I hear the server's voice in a blur. I shake my head back to reality and flash an awkward smile. "I want what she has," I answer shortly. The server nods and leaves the table. "What did you order?" I ask ashamed. "A burger with fries." Tessa chuckles. I relax in my chair and exhale loudly. "You were miles away." Tessa chuckles. "I know. I'm so embarrassed. How many times did he ask the same question?" I ask in humiliation. "Three times. No big deal Sofia." Tessa brushed it off.

"I was thinking about Cody and home. Sorry," I admit softly. "How's your handsome brother doing?" Tessa asked with a big smile. "Great. He's some promising plans. His boss wants to sell the business and Cody is very interested in taking over the whole business from him." I explain to her, a smile appearing on my face. "That's good news. And your parents? When are you visiting them again?" Tessa asked me curiously.

"Normally in two weeks," I answer her. "How is your mom doing?" I ask her curiously. Tessa, her mother, has had an awful accident as a child. She has lost one arm. Her mother is so positive and a true inspiration for others with a disability. She raised Tessa by herself because her father left when Tessa was just a baby.

"Very good. Can you believe she's dating our neighbor?" Tessa tells me enthusiastically. "Mister Brown? Are you serious?" I ask in surprise. "Yes, I couldn't believe it too when I talked to her yesterday. I thought she was joking around, but it's true. This weekend they are going on a second date." Tessa smiled cheerfully. "That's great for your mom," I admit.

Suddenly Tessa's phone rings. She searched into her too-large bag for her phone. "It's Tom." She tells me softly, her eyes fixated on the screen. "Pick up." I usher her. Her face lights up when she hears his voice. Tessa is so in love with Tom. I hope he doesn't hurt her or he's going to regret that. Tessa deserves a loving, sweet, and most of all honest man in her life. Especially one that will stay with her, because she never had a good manly figure in her life.

"The meeting is over," Tessa tells me after retreating her phone in her bag. "That's good," I answer. The server retreats with our orders, and both of us didn't wait to eat. After Tessa had driven me home, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I make my way upstairs and let myself fall on the couch. I pull my soft blanket over me and turn on the TV. Suddenly my phone rings and I quickly pick up, seeing who's calling me. "Hey, how are you?" I ask him cheerfully. "Great. The company is mine. I'm officially running a gardening business." Cody tells me happily.

"Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" I squeal. "Thanks. Mom and dad told me you would come in two weeks." Cody tells me in a serious tone now. Cody has always been a more serious type. He became very mature when we knew mom was sick and he has never changed. I'm always surprised to know he's still single because many women would be attracted to him. Even Tessa thinks my brother is a real catch.

"Yeah, I'll visit your company as soon as I'm in Oregon," I tell him seriously. "Good. How's Tessa doing? Is she still with Tom?" He questioned me sheepishly. "Yeah. Why are you asking?" I chuckle at his curious tone. "Nothing, because I know Tom Fineck." He answers shortly. "I know. Hopefully, he's genuine with her." I sigh.

"Did you receive an invitation these days?" Cody asks suddenly. "An invitation from what?" I ask him in surprise. "Are you getting married?" I chuckle. "Haha, funny Sofia! No, I don't have time for women." He answers, irritated by my assumption. "I received an invitation to the annual school reunion." He adds. "Reunion? No, I haven't received one." I respond. "Maybe you'll get it tomorrow," Cody answers me.

"I have no interest to go, either way," I respond, agitated. "Why not? I'll join you." Cody answers astonished. "I don't know, seeing Sydney and her gang, so they can laugh at me because I'm still single," I tell him frustrated. "So what, Sofia! You can't hide forever. Anne asked if you would come." Cody explains firmly.

"Anne?" I ask him. "Yeah, they never forgot about you, Sofia. After you left for Columbia High, she and Kai kept in touch with me. Haven't you had any contact with them?" He asked me surprised. "A little, but it's been two years now I've heard from them," I explain to him.

"Maybe because you shut them off? Don't you think it's time to show yourself again?" Cody said earnestly. Maybe I have been hiding all those years. I thought I grew over it. Maybe I need to go to the source where it all started. Maybe then I can open up to someone else and find true love.

"I'll come," I answer determined.

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