Chapter 23

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I finished emptying my luggage in speed time. All of my clothes nicely ordered in the closet, making sure there was still plenty of room for Michael's stuff. Michael's clothes? Where did he leave his luggage? Looking around the room, I spot his suitcase beside the bed against the wall. Would it be inappropriate to empty his luggage for him? He came intruding in my life, so I don't think it's a problem if I help him out. For a second I reconsider asking him, but wave the thought away.

With the best intentions, I began unpacking his luggage, placing his clothes on the left side in the closet. Casual clothing, and dressed clothing greeting me. He stacked sneakers and dressed shoes at the bottom, so I place them at the bottom of the closet. Underneath the last pair of shoes, I spot a black photo frame. My curiosity taking the upper hand, I carefully turn the frame to spot a picture of Michael with a woman. The young woman sat in a very luxurious sofa with Michael beside her, but her eyes and smile made me look twice. The resemblance with Michael was so obvious. Is this his sister? Since when does he have a sister? He never told me this. "No, it can't be his sister?" I whisper to myself, frowning at the image of Michael with the young woman.

"What are you doing?" I hear his voice, stern and cold behind me. I yank my head to the side and straighten myself with the photo frame still in my hand. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to help with your luggage because you were already busy with dinner." I admit softly. Michael extends his hand toward me, and lay the picture in his hand.

"You should have asked me first, Sofia." He says in disappointment, walking passed me and placing the picture on the nightstand. "I'm sorry, Michael. I didn't intend to snoop around in your luggage. I thought you would appreciate it." I explain, already disappointed of my reckless decision. Of course, he doesn't want my help. He never needed help in his entire life, so why would he trust me with his private belongings?

"Still, you should have asked me first." He says frustrated before heading back toward the door. "Dinner is ready." He says before vanishing out of my sight. Shit, fuck, damnit. I've fucked this up...

With my eyes downcast, I enter the kitchen, settling myself across from him. A steamy plate of risotto welcomes my hungry stomach. It looks fucking delicious. How come this man has so many talents? I feel shit compared to him. What can I do? I'm only good in helping kids in need. If something evolves with too much feelings or letting go of control, I suck. My cooking skills are still terrible.

I take a gentle bite because of the heat, a pleasant warm feeling embracing my tummy. If I had to cook this, it would be too dry for sure. I hate following recipes, but if I don't follow them, I'll end up preparing another dish than originally. It's my stubborn character that always gets in my way. But it's because of my stubbornness I achieved most of the things in my life. Luckily it didn't break me at the end, because being stubborn all the time wasn't a part of me when I was younger. It grew on me like a disease. Testing me, teasing me, making me harder when I needed it. Now I just embrace it, welcome this new hard side of me. It made me, built me to the person I've become.

From time to time I peek under my lashes to see if Michael is watching, but he didn't give me a look. Why is he so angry about a photo? Several scenarios swirl in my mind. What if she isn't his sister? Maybe I wanted to see a resemblance. Maybe my mind was playing tricks with me. I wanted to see a resemblance... Fuck, I'm done with his secrecy. Okay, I opened his suitcase without permission, but he was the one inviting me in his house. The house he bought because it reminded him of us, of me. I feel like I'm having a deja vu all over again. It's always the same with this man. If he truly loves me, he'll need to tell the truth about everything!

I roughly lay my cutlery on my plate and face him, crossing my arms defensively. Michael stops eating, not even bothering with my defensive attitude. He eyes me coldly, patiently waiting for what comes next. "Who was that woman on the picture with you?" I ask him boldly while piercing him.

"You'll know soon." He answers sternly before continuing eating. "I'm so done with your excuses. I've waited seven years for the truth of why you had left me. How long are you going to make me wait this time?" I ask him roughly. "That was different and you know that." He eyes me with his dark orbs.

"It's not Michael. Why can't you tell me the truth right away? Is she family or just a friend or maybe more? I can handle the truth, Michael." I hiss angrily. I'm so angry at myself. One stupid picture makes me doubt everything about him. His intentions with me, even our future.

"Sofia, stop now before you'll say something you don't mean!" He says roughly. "Yeah, you know everything about that, huh." I answer coldly, referring to our last conversation years ago when he left me. He could have talked to me then, but he preferred to shut me out and now he does it again. History repeats. It's just the same fucked up scenario between us all over again.

"You know what, I'm done with whatever this is." I say, pushing the chair with too much force from me against the wall while standing up. "Sofia, what's your problem?!" Michael yells when I walk out of the kitchen. "You're so childish when you don't get your way!" He says roughly before running after me up the stairs. With one swift motion, I turn myself to face him. I feel my face heat and my cheeks probably are flammable by now.

"My way! Your fucking way! I'm here in fucking Italy with you because you wanted to, not because it was my choice. You are the one being secretive about everything in your life. The contract, your parents, your life as a business owner and that picture of yours. What else do you hide from me, huh? What? Because I'm sick of your games. I'm a grown woman now and don't think I would hesitate for one second to take the chance of leaving you for good. I'm not a toy that always nods yes, or obeys without questioning a thing. That naive girl is gone." I admit with honesty, feeling disappointed about how things work out between us at the moment.

Michael looks at me a bit dazed, surprised of my outburst. He shoves a frustrated hand through his hair, but his gaze never leaves mine. "I brought you here because I want to keep you save, that's all. I know I fucked up in the past and I know you can't completely trust me. That's fine, but is it naïve to think we can be together in time? At least be friends again? Believe me, I've tried for an entire year to forget about you. I wish I could make it easy between us, erase all the pain I've caused you, but I can't. It's like I'm drifting further away with every attempt I do toward you. Sofia, I have the best intentions with you..."

Michael gazes at me, his calm tone helping my racing heart to calm down. "There's no other woman in my life that is a threat for you, but the woman on the picture is important to me. She means a lot to me and I will not lie about it." He says to me. I look at him, a bit troubled. Of course there's another woman in his life. The picture said enough.

After all those years, it's only normal he has found a woman he cares. But why am I still here? Why do I stay here when we can't be together? And why can't he let me go for good? What we had is over, and that's fine.

"It's okay, Michael. You don't need to explain yourself about the picture or anything in particular. I'm tired and go to bed now. Good night." I tell him before taking the last step of the stairs and continue my way to the bedroom.

Suddenly I feel Michael taking my hand and he turns me so I would face him. "There is no other woman in my heart, Sofia. I have a hard time telling people about her because I feel the need to protect her. The woman in the picture is my sister, Sofia."

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